52 KAM Mathematical Colloquium
Prof. Michele Emmer
Universit\`a degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
January 13, 2005
In the last years there have been a great interest for mathematics in cinema, literature, theatre. It is a phenomenon of great interest. In 1997 the international congresses of Venice have started. Writers, filmakers, architects, art historians, mathematicians, biologsts have been involved in the project. Springer-Verlag has founded a series of books by the same title. The lecture will focus on all these aspects.MATHLAND: FROM TOPOLOGY TO VIRTUAL ARCHITECTURE
January 14, 2005
The idea of space in architecture has changed drammatically in the last decades. The word "mutation", the word "transformation" are the keys to understand modern architecture. The last Biennale of Architecture in Venice was entitled "Metamorphos". The lecture will be on the influence of mathematics, topology and computer graphics on the architecture of today.