Logical meta-theorems and lower bounds for bounded-degree property testing
Isolde Adler
University of Leeds
April 22, 2021, 12:30 in Zoom (Meeting ID: 915 0738 3344; Passcode: 820374)
Property testing (for a property P) asks for a given graph, whether it has property P, or is "structurally far" from having that property. A "testing algorithm" is a probabilistic algorithm that answers this question with high probability correctly, by only looking at small parts of the input. Testing algorithms are thought of as "extremely efficient", making them relevant in the context of large data sets.
In this talk I will present recent positive and negative results about testability of properties definable in first-order logic and monadic second-order logic on classes of bounded-degree graphs.
This is joint work with Polly Fahey, Frederik Harwath, Noleen Köhler and Pan Peng.