PhD position
We offer a PhD position focused on the research of the electron-photon interactions in an electron microscopes with the focus on the development of novel methods of ultrafast electron microscopy and spectroscopy. The position is funded by ERC Starting Grant eWaveShaper.
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate with an excellent master’s degree in physics, with a background in optics (theory or experiment), ultrafast laser physics or electron microscopy. The candidate should be committed to collaborative work and should have excellent oral and written communication skills.
Applications including:
- a letter of interest (max. 1 page), clearly stating the specific motivation of the candidate to join the group and of the interest in the project, career goals, etc.,
- a CV,
- grade transcripts or equivalent record of academic performance, clearly indicating courses taken and grades in each course (for MS and BS), the name and contact to at least one referee
should be sent to Martin Kozák (
Postdoctoral position
We offer a postdoctoral fellowship focused on the research of quantum control of electron wave function by optical field of femtosecond laser pulses and study of shaped electron interaction with optically excited materials. The position is funded by ERC Starting Grant eWaveShaper.
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with PhD degree in physics, with a background in optics (theory or experiment), ultrafast laser physics or electron microscopy. The candidate should be committed to collaborative work and should have excellent oral and written communication skills.
Applications including:
- a letter of interest (max. 1 page), clearly stating the specific motivation of the candidate to join the group and of the interest in the project, career goals, etc.,
- a CV,
- name and contact to at least two referees
should be sent to Martin Kozák (