PhD projects & Funding

Types of project funding:

We now publish only fully-funded projects, which offer net total funding at the minimal level of 22 000 CZK/month for the normal duration of PhD studies. The funding is typically a combination of guaranteed state stipend and contract from the supervisor's grant or institution. Note that depending on the grant and institutional policies, the net income may be higher.

All students have the possibility to apply for additional independent funds for salary, travel, and equipment at the Grant Agency of the Charles University.

PhD students can take advantage of subsidized meals, discounted public transport, possibility of staying in student dormitories, and free „Czech as foreign language“ classes. There is only symbolic tuition for foreign PhD students. The price level in Prague can be estimated at Numbeo.

Application form is now closed and students are selected. New projects will appear here in Fall 2024.

Vibronic coupling of electronic resonances

Martin Čížek (ITP MFF CUNI)

Study of exact spacetimes

Jiří Podolský (ITP MFF CUNI)

Playing with Ghosts

Alexander Vikman (CEICO IP CAS)

Axions in the Universe

Alexander Vikman (CEICO IP CAS)

Hunting dark energy with (stellar) astrophysics

Ippocratis Saltas (CEICO IP CAS)

Means and ends in string theory

Renann Lipinski Jusinskas (CEICO IP CAS)

Applied string field theory

Martin Schnabl (CEICO IP CAS)

Lorentz violation in the sky

Constantinos Skordis (CEICO IP CAS)

Higher spins in 2d conformal field theory

Tomáš Procházka (CEICO IP CAS)