The inaugural session of the new Colloquium of the School of Mathematics

December 15, 2023

The School of Mathematics at Matfyz has launched a new series of colloquium talks, informally called the „Karlín Colloquium“. The primary aim of this initiative is to feature speakers who present their research in a manner accessible to the entire School of Mathematics. Additionally, the colloquium serves as a venue for people from different departments to meet and socialize during post-lecture refreshments.

Stanislav Hencl gave the first talk on December 12 about models of nonlinear elasticity. This area studies mappings that could serve as deformations of a solid body in n-dimensional space. Natural questions considered were when the mapping is continuous (the material does not break during the deformation), when is it invertible (no „interpenetration of matter“ happens) or when does it map sets of zero volume to sets of zero volume (no material is created or lost during our deformation). In particular, the talk addressed situations when the deformation does not change orientation (you cannot map your right hand to your left hand) or when we can approximate injective mappings by piecewise linear (or smooth) injective mappings.

Approximately 100 attendees were present at the lecture that was followed by lively informal discussions. The next colloquium talk is planned to take place during the upcoming Spring semester. Meanwhile, those interested in a more frequent series of accessible talks are encouraged to participate in the Algebra Colloquium, encompassing presentations on topics extending far beyond algebra.

doc. Vítězslav Kala, photo by Jaroslav Richter


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