The position of the MFF UK on the use of artificial intelligence in teaching

April 14, 2023

Recent fast development of efficient artificial intelligence (AI) tools leads to significantly increasing influence of AI on education at all levels. MFF UK does not intend to restrict the use of AI tools by administrative restrictions, but we strongly encourage employees and students to follow the guidelines for using these resources as stated in the document linked below, so that working with AI becomes a challenge and an opportunity to make the educational process more efficient, rather than a tool for violating the ethics of academic and scientific work in the broadest sense.

MFF UK welcomes the currently published Statement on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching at Masaryk University, which MFF UK supports. We invite teachers and students, but also other researchers and employees of the MFF UK to read the statement of Masaryk University and follow its recommendations.

On behalf of the management of the MFF UK
M. Rokyta

(Česká verze tohoto textu je zde.)


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