Faculty & Departmental Agreements
University of Alberta –
Faculty of Science
Validity of Agreement: March 14, 2019 – March 13, 2024
Content: Memorandum of Understanding, establishes a framework
of cooperation for:
1. Mobility of faculty and/or staff,
2. Mobility of graduate and/or undergraduate students
3. Joint research activities and publications
4. Participation in seminars and academic meetings
5. Exchange of academic materials and other information
6. Special short-term academic programs
Zhejiang Normal
University – College of Mathematics, Physics and Information Engineering,
Departmental Agreement on Graduate Student Exchange Program
Department at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University:
Computer Science Institute of Charles University
Validity: academic year 2018/2019 – 2020/2021
University of Bielefeld
– Faculty of Mathematics
Validity of Agreement: March 5, 1998 – ∞
Content: Cooperation Agreement, its purpose is to:
1. Enhance scientific cooperation
2. Exchange academic staff and researchers
3. Encourage exchange of students and PhD students
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum
für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH
Departmental Research Agreement
Department at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University:
Department of Physics of Materials
Validity: April 1, 2011 – December 31, 2020 (1st
Alternation of Research Agreement)
Carpathian Basin Talent Spotting Foundation
Validity of Agreement: October 29, 2018 – October 28,
Content: Framework Agreement. Its purpose is to:
1. Enhance mutual cooperation
2. Regularly provide Faculty students with information about KMTA´s programs
and grants and about possibilities of participating in them
Indian Institute of Technology
Madras, Chennai
Validity of Agreement: March 22, 2016 – March 21, 2021
Content: Memorandum of Understanding, Academic and Research
Collaboration. Scope of collaboration includes:
1. Academic and Research collaboration in the areas of mutual interest (further
defined in Annex 1 of this MoU).
2. Exchange of academic information, scholarly information, materials and
3. Exchange of students and faculty (further defined in Annex 2 of this MoU)
4. Sponsorship of cooperative seminars, workshops and other academic
Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI),
Validity of Agreement: September 2017 – September 12, 2020,
in the process of renewal
Content: Memorandum of Understanding. In order to develop joint
actions, both Parties may develop the following areas of mutual cooperation:
1. Exchanges of students and PhD students through visits and training
2. Exchanges of researchers and academic staff
3. Study sessions, workshops and seminars on previously agreed subjects
4. Exchanges of information, documentation and scientific publications
University of Verona – Department
of Computer Science, Verona
Validity of Agreement: August 13, 2019 – August 12, 2024
Content: Inter-Faculty Cooperation Agreement. Its purpose is to
collaborate in the following fields (particularly in the field of Mathematics
and Computer Science):
1. Scientific and cultural cooperation
2. Teachers, researchers, administrative staff exchange
The University of Patras
– Geology Department, Laboratory of Seismology
Departmental Memorandum of Understanding
Department at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University:
Department of Geophysics
Validity: July 31, 2017 – July 30, 2022
University – Graduate School of Science and Technology + Faculty of Advanced
Science and Technology, Kumamoto
Validity of Agreement: April 17, 2019 – April 16, 2024
Content: Memorandum of Understanding. Its purpose is to promote
collaboration in the area of joint scientific research and education:
1. Promote the exchange in various areas of education and research (academic and
research postgraduate students)
2. Promote research cooperation in the fields of mutual interests
3. Render mutual assistance in raising the scientific qualifications of the
academic staff
4. Promote the exchange of publications and documentation on current
5. Share experiences in developing better teaching methods and techniques
6. Organize bilateral joint symposia, workshops and conferences
7. Recognize, in the case of possibilities and mutual interest, joint research
programs and projects.
Kumamoto University -
Magnesium Research Center (MRC), Kumamoto
Validity of Agreement: March 23, 2018 – March 22, 2023
Content: Memorandum of Understanding. Its purpose is to:
1. Exchange research personnel in the field of light metals and their
2. Exchange technical information on magnesium alloys and their technology
3. Promote joint research
National Institute for
Materials Science (NIMS) - International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics
(WPI-MANA), Tsukuba, Japan
Validity of Agreement: February 3, 2020 – February 2,
Content: Memorandum of Understanding. Its purpose is to
strengthen and promote research collaboration in the field of materials
1) Strengthen and promote institutional exchange of personnel
2) Promote institutional exchange of scientific and technical information
3) Organize symposia, conferences and workshops
4) Encourage joint research activities and other activities
Nagaoka University of
Technology – Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information
Engineering; Department of Materials Science and Technology
2 Departmental agreements:
- Agreement on Academic and Educational Collaboration,
validity: August 20, 2018 – August 19, 2023;
- Memorandum for Exchange of Students, validity: August 20,
2018 - ∞
Department at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University:
Institute of Physics of Charles University
Academician E. A. Buketov Karaganda
State University – Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies;
Faculty of Physics and Technology
Validity of Agreement: March 15, 2017 – March 14, 2022
Content: Memorandum of Understanding. Scope of cooperation:
1) Academic and Research collaboration in the areas of mutual interest (further
defined in Annex 1 of this MoU)
2) Exchange of academic information, scholarly information, materials and
3) Exchange of students and faculty (further defined in Annex 2 of this MoU)
4) Sponsorship of cooperative seminars, workshops and other academic
Astronomy and Space Institute – Space Science Division
Validity of Agreement: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2025
Content: Memorandum of Understanding. Its purpose is to develop
following activities of cooperation in the area of Astronomy:
1) Development of programs for collaborative research
2) Fractional shares of observing time on the facilities of each Party
3) Exchange of faculty members, students, and research staff for the purpose of
education, research, and program development
4) PhD doctoral training
5) Exchange of publications, scientific materials, research papers, and data
available for such circulation
6) Production of joint publications, and sponsorship of cooperative meetings and
Lomonosov Moscow State University
– Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
Validity of Agreement: August 30, 2011 – August 30, 2021
Content: Cooperation Agreement in the field of
ultra-high-energy cosmic rays physics, neutron physics and in the development of
optical radiation detectors. Its purpose is:
1) Cooperation in the field of scientific research and higher education,
participation in joint projects at both national and international levels
2) Exchange of staff
3) Exchange of scientific materials and publications
4) Exchange of scientific equipment
5) Organization of joint scientific discussions, conferences, seminars and
Russian Academy of Sciences –
Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of the Russian Academy of
Validity of Agreement: October 24, 2018 – October 23,
Content: Cooperative Agreement. Collaboration within fields of
materials science and technology of mutual interest in:
1) Research projects
2) Exchange of researchers and PhD students
3) Exchange of experimental samples for studies and materials for
experimentation for the purposes of research projects under this agreement
Russian Academy of
Sciences – Space Research Institute
Validity of Agreement: January 16, 2017 – December 31, 2020
Content: Cooperation Agreement in the field of space research.
In concerns:
1) Preparation and conducting of space experiments within new projects
2) Research based on previously obtained results
3) Exchange of experience in the field of modern technologies of processing and
transmission of scientific telemetric information
4) Exchange of technical solutions and information in specified projects.
Ural Federal University –
Institute of New Materials and Technologies
Validity of Agreement: March 6, 2019 – March 5, 2024
Content: Cooperative Agreement. Collaboration within fields of
materials science and technology of mutual interest in:
1) Research projects
2) Exchange of researchers and PhD students
3) Exchange of experimental samples for studies and materials for
experimentation for the purposes of research projects under this agreement
Matej Bel University in Banska
Bystrica – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Validity of Agreement: November 26, 2001 – ∞
Content: Cooperation Agreement. Its purpose is to support staff
and student educational and scientific activities. It mainly concerns:
1) Exchange of academic staff
2) Exchange of students
3) Possibilities of becoming a postgraduate or doctoral supervisor, respectively
studying in postgraduate or doctoral study programs of Partner Faculty
4) Joint development of study programs
5) Joint research projects, workshops, conferences, student conferences
6) Exchange of publications and access to information resources of Partner
7) Joint publications publishing
University of Zilina –
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Validity of Agreement: June 5, 2002 – ∞
Content: Cooperation Agreement. Its purpose is cooperation in
the following areas:
1) Exchange of scientific and technical information and information on carried
out activities
2) Exchange of information on study programs
3) Cooperation in solving research tasks and submitting international grants
4) Participation in conferences and workshops
5) Exchange of students in regard to their diploma and doctoral thesis
6) Short-term teacher internships, including lecture stays
7) Cooperation within state exams commissions, doctoral studies subject-area
boards, habilitation commissions and evaluation boards for professor appointment
procedure the procedure for the appointment of a professor.
Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National
University – Institute of Biology, Chemistry and Biodiversity; Institute of
Physical, Technical and Computer Sciences
Departmental Agreement on Scientific and Technical
Department at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University:
Institute of Physics of Charles University
Validity: January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2023 (Annex 3)
Ton Duc Thang University – European Cooperation Center; Faculty of Mathematics–Statistics; Faculty of Information
Validity of Agreement: November 7, 2016 – November 6,
Content: Memorandum of Understanding, Academic and Research
Collaboration. Scope of collaboration includes:
1) Academic and Research collaboration in the areas of mutual interest (further
defined in Annex 1 of this MoU).
2) Exchange of academic information, scholarly information, materials and
3) Exchange of students and faculty (further defined in Annex 2 of this MoU)
4) Sponsorship of cooperative seminars, workshops and other academic