Program katedrálního semináře na zimní semestr akademického roku 2024/2025

(program bude průběžně aktualizován)

8.10. J. Labuta, UOCHB AV ČR, Praha, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan: Phase separation in polymeric systems

22.10. P. Chen, ITP, Leipzig, Germany: The title will be specified

5.11. cancelled, the Dean’s Sports Day

12.11. A. Schoenhals, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany: Fast Scanning Calorimetry (FSC) for the analysis of microporous polymers

19.11. P. Souček, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic: High entropy-stabilized films of refractory metal nitrides and carbides

26.11. K. Malek, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland: Enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool to probe nanomaterials and biological specimens

3.12. F. Slanina, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences: Dense suspensions of active and passive colloids in narrow pores: simulations and hydrodynamic approximations

10.12. K. Biliak, KMF MFF: Plasma-based deposition of nanoparticles into liquid polymer for the production of nanofluids

17.12. M. Protsak, KMF MFF UK: Plasma-based synthesis of nanomaterials

7.1. M. Tosca, KMF MFF UK: Multi-component nanomaterials for laser-driven proton-boron fusion


Semináře se konají v úterky od 14:00 v posluchárně T2 v kampusu Troja. 

prof. Ing. Andrey Shukurov, Ph.D.     (garant a moderátor)