Facebook Tech Talk & Coding Workshop

29. října 2014
Zveme všechny zájemce na mimořádnou přednášku a programátorský workshop Stanislava Basovníka, absolventa MFF UK a programátora společnosti Facebook. Pokud chcete poodhalit tajemství významné IT společnosti a provozovatele největší sociální sítě, zaregistrujte se a přijďte 19. listopadu 2014.

An exclusive one-off event for all programming enthusiasts that would like to look behind the curtains of a major IT company and the operator of the world largest social network.

Text na této stránce existuje pouze v anglické verzi.

You will not only gain new knowledge thanks to the tech talk, but also hands-on experience in the coding workshop.

The event is especially suited for the 2nd year master students of computer science at MFF UK. Please register for the event to be allowed to participate. The capacity is limited!

Notice: In case of capacity constrains, the students of MFF UK will have preference for the registration over other participants.

Organizers: Facebook, KTIML MFF UK
Date: Wednesday November 19th, 2014
Time: Starting at 10:40 a.m., ending 3:30 p.m. (with a lunch break)
Place: Lecture hall S4, Malostranské náměstí 25, Praha 1 (how to get to us)


10:40 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. tech talk (45 minutes lecture, 15 minutes Q&A, see below)
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. free lunch
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. crush your coding workshop
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. questions from students

Facebook Graph Search: Personalized Search of a Trillion Connections

Speaker: Stanislav Basovník
(graduated from MFF UK in 2010, Software Engineer at Facebook since 2012)

Abstract: More than 1 billion people actively use Facebook, so far sharing more than 240 billion photos and 1 trillion connections. Graph Search offers a new way to traverse those connections, providing a new type of search for people, photos, places, and interests. Everyone's search results are personalized and privacy-aware, which entails real-time fetching, filtering, ranking and diversification of the results. Any piece of data is subject to changes in privacy settings, which need to be reflected on the results instantly. On top of that, Graph Search has a unique user interface that uses natural language processing to parse the user input and to render page titles. This talk will give an overview of the system architecture and present the past and present engineering challenges.

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