accordance with the Competitive Hiring
Process Code of Charles University
The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics of Charles University
announces opening of academic
with submission deadline February 28,
Assistant Professor at the Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems
ID of the position: 2021-AP2-KDSS
Required expertise in one or more of the following topics:
- software architectures, software self adaptation, software modeling,
- artificial intelligence and statistical reasoning for software systems,
- software verification, testing, and program analysis,
- formal methods for software engineering,
- programming languages,
- especially in the context of IoT/CPS and cloud/edge-cloud environments.
The candidate is expected to participate in research, development and management of the current research projects within the department, and to work on expanding own research portfolio, including applying for research grants and developing industrial cooperation projects. The position includes a moderate teaching load. The candidate is expected to supervise undergraduate and graduate students, and to teach introductory and advanced software systems courses in English (knowledge of the Czech language is not required).
The contract duration is three years. Potentially, the position is renewable; moreover, successful candidates are then encouraged to apply for promotion to the Associate Professor rank (habilitation) and to obtain a permanent position.
For more details ask <>.
Qualification requirements: Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field, an international research record preferably with postdoc experience, a proven publication record or proven research and development record in software development projects. Background in methods of big data analysis, machine learning, statistics, operating systems and hardware architectures is a plus.
Expected starting date is between July 1, 2021, and October 1, 2021, and it is negotiable.
The application accompanied by
- a curriculum vitae,
- proofs of education and awarding of academic titles,
- a description of teaching and research experience,
- a list of publications,
- citation report, and
- a motivation letter including a research statement and teaching expectations
should be sent by e-mail to <> latest by February 28, 2021. The subject of the e-mail should contain the ID of the position.
The applicant must also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent as well to <>. The subjects of these e-mails should contain the ID of the position.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. In well-justified cases, the interview can be held remotely. The shortlisted candidates may also be invited to give a public lecture.
Published on October 20, 2020