Ing. Dávid Hovančík

Department of Condensed Matter Physics
+420 95155 1388
Cell phone
+420 915 432 016
Room / building
F 084, ground floor, Ke Karlovu 5, Ke Karlovu 2026/5, Praha 2

I’m a condensed matter Ph.D. candidate exploring different phenomena in matter. My specialty is magnetism and its interaction with light and lattice vibrations. I have experience with various experimental methods, especially infrared and Raman spectroscopy. My current topic of research is magnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals crystals. 

I have received a Fulbright fellowship, and currently, I'm a visiting scholar at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, in the group of Professor Xiaodong Xu.



Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance