Publications 2019
Journal papers
- M. Kozák, All-optical scheme for generation of
isolated attosecond electron pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123,
203202 (2019).
- H. Reichlova, T. Janda, J. Godinho, A.
Markou, D. Kriegner, R. Schlitz, J. Zelezny, Z. Soban, M. Bejarano, H.
Schultheiss, P. Nemec, T. Jungwirth, C. Felser, J. Wunderlich,
S.T.B. Goennenwein, Imaging and writing magnetic domains in the
non-collinear antiferromagnet Mn3Sn, Nature Comunications
10, 5459 (2019).
- T. Ostatnický,
Linear THz conductivity of nanocrystals, Opt. Express
27, 6083 (2019).
- M. Zukerstein,
F. Trojánek, B. Rezek, Z. Šobáň, M.
Kozák, and P. Malý, Coherent phonon dynamics in
diamond detected via multiphoton absorption, Appl. Phys. Lett.
115, 161104 (2019).
- T. Chlouba,
F. Trojánek, V. Kopecký, J. López-Vidrier, S. Hernandéz, D.
Hiller, S. Gutsch, M. Zacharias, P. Malý, Pathways of
carrier recombination in Si/SiO2 nanocrystal superlattices, J. Appl. Phys.
126, 163101 (2019).
- M. Kozák, T.
Otobe, M. Zukerstein, F. Trojánek, P.
Malý, Anisotropy and polarization dependence of multiphoton charge
carrier generation rate in diamond, Phys. Rev. B 99,
104305 (2019).
- J. Kuchařík, H. Němec, T.
Ostatnický, Terahertz conductivity and coupling between
geometrical and plasmonic resonances in nanostructures, Phys. Rev. B 99, 035407 (2019).
- U. Niedermayer, M.
Kozák, et al., Challenges in simulating beam dynamics of
dielectric laser acceleration, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 34,
1942031 (2019).
- P. Yousefi, N. Schoenenberger, J. Mcneur, M.
Kozák, U. Niedermayer, P. Hommelhoff, Dielectric laser electron
acceleration in a dual pillar grating with a distributed Bragg reflector,
Opt. Lett. 44, 1520 (2019).
- M. Kloda, I. Matulková, I.
Císařová, P. Becker, L. Bohatý, P. Němec, R. Gyepes, I.
Němec, Cocrystals of 2-aminopyrimidine with boric acid – crystal
engineering of a novel NLO active crystal, Crystals 9, 403
- J. Wojnarska, M. Gryl, T. Seidler, A. Rydz, M. Oszajca, K.M.
Stadnicka, M. Marzec, I. Matulková, I. Němec, P. Němec,
Crystal Structure and (Non)linear Optical Properties of a Cyanuric Acid
Isoniazid <1/1> Co-crystal: Shortcomings of Phase Matching Determination
from Powdered Samples, Crystal Growth & Design 19,
6831–6836 (2019).
- M. Kozák, T. Higuchi, J. McNeur,
R. Shiloh, Ch. Heide, T. Paschen, P. Yousefi, C. Sturm, A. Li, J. Illmer, S.
Meier, N. Schönenberger, P. Dienstbier, A. Tafel, P. Weber, R. Zimmermann, M.
Seidling, A. Mittelbach, J. Heimerl, T. Eckstein, M. Hundhausen, J. Ristein and
P. Hommelhoff, From strong-field physics in and at nanoscale matter to
photonics-based laser accelerators, The European Physical Journal
Conferences 205, 08009 (2019).
Conferences - invited
- P. Němec, Time-resolved Magneto-optical Studies of
Thin-film Antiferromagnets and Ferromagnets, Meeting of COST Action 17123,
Les Houches, France, 11.– 15. 2. 2019. (invited talk)
- M.
Kozák, T. Eckstein, N. Schönenberger, and P. Hommelhoff,
Acceleration and compression of electrons via two-color ponderomotive
scattering, Physics and applications of high brightness beams, Rethimno,
Crete, April 8–12, 2019. (invited talk)
- L.
Nádvorník, M. Borchert, L. Brandt, R. Schlitz, G. Jakob, M. Kläui,
S. T. B. Goennenwein, G. Woltersdorf and T. Kampfrath, Terahertz radiation
at sevice of spintronics: anisotropic magnetoresistance from DC to THz,
20th International Young Scientists Conference Optics and High Technology
Material Science, Kyiv, Ukraine, 25. – 30. 9. 2019.
(invited talk)
- E. Schmoranzerova, J. Nath, M. A.
Nsibi, G. Gaudin, S. Auffert, I. Joumard, M. Miron, M. Gabor, Magnetization
Dynamics In Metal Structures on Flexible Substrate, Spins, Waves and
Interactions, 3.-5.9.2019, Greifswald, Německo
(invited talk)
- P. Němec, Pump-probe
Magneto-optical Studies of Thin-film Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets,
27th International Conference Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT 19), Prague,
Czech Republic, 15. – 20. 9. 2019. (invited talk)
- M.
Kozák, Sub-cycle control of electrons for ultrafast imaging
experiments, Science with coherent XUV sources, HHG&MAC workshop, ELI
Beamlines, Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic, 6–7 May 2019.
(invited talk)
- M. Kozák, M.
Zukerstein, M. Martínek, F. Trojánek and P.
Malý, Interaction of strong optical fields with diamond –
towards ultrafast control of electronic excitations, ALT19, Prague, Czech
Republic, 16.-20.9.2019. (invited talk)
Conferences - contributed
- P. Němec, V. Saidl, M.
Surýnek, T. Ostatnický, Pump-probe
magneto-optical studies of compensated antiferromagnet CuMnAs, Magnetics
and Optics Research International Symposium (MORIS) 2019, Prague, Czech
Republic, 23. – 26. 6. 2019. (talk)
- M.
Zukerstein, M. Kozák, T. Otobe, F.
Trojánek, P. Malý, Anisotropy and polarization
dependence of multiphoton charge carrier generation rate in diamond,
Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2019 – SBDD XXIV, Hasselt, Belgium, 13. –
15. 3. 2019. (talk)
- N. Meyer, T. Schumann, E.
Schmoranzerová, K. Geishendorf, G. Mussler, J. Walowski, P.
Nemec, A. Thomas, K. Nielsch, D. Grützmacher, M. Münzenberg,
Photocurrents in 3D Topological Insulator Hall Bar and Nanowire
Devices, Magnetics and Optics Research International Symposium (MORIS)
2019, Prague, Czech Republic, 23. – 26. 6. 2019. (poster)
- N. Meyer,
T. Schumann, E. Schmoranzerová, K. Geishendorf, G. Mussler, J.
Walowski, P. Nemec, A. Thomas, D. Grützmacher, and M.
Münzenberg, Laser induced DC photocurrents in 3D topological insulators
Hall bar and nanowire devices, 83th Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
(DPG) Spring Meeting, 2019, Regensburg, Germany.
- M.
Surýnek, Z. Kašpar, P. Němec, K. Olejník, High
resistive fs-optical single-pulse switching in a single-layer antiferromagnetic
memory, SPICE Workshop Antiferromagnetic Spintronics: from topology to
neuromorphic computing, 7. – 10. 10. 2019, Mainz, Germany.
- J. Kimák, V. Wohlrath,
P. Kubaščík, M. Surýnek, E.
Schmoranzerová, and P. Němec, Investigation of
Anisotropy of Magneto-optical Voigt Effect in GaMnAs, MAGNETOFON 1st Summer
School, Lisbon, Portugal, 23. – 27. 9. 2019. (poster)
- M.
Surýnek, Z. Kašpar, P. Němec, K. Olejník, High
resistive fs-optical single-pulse switching in a single-layer antiferromagnetic
memory, MAGNETOFON 1st Summer School, Lisbon, Portugal, 23. –
27. 9. 2019. (poster)
- E. Schmoranzerova, T.
Janda, P. Nemec, Z. Soban, H. Reichlova, M.
Munzenberg, E.-J. Guo, M. Klaui, Strong Quadratic Magneto-Optical Response
of Ultrathin YIG Film at Low Temperatures, Magnetics and Optics Research
International Symposium (MORIS) 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, 23. –
26. 6. 2019. (poster)
- T. Janda, T.
Ostatnický, P. Němec, Z. Šobáň, V. Hills, J.
Wunderlich, Spin-Polarized Ultrafast Current Pulses in a Vertical
Ferromagnet-Photodiode Heterostructure, Magnetics and Optics Research
International Symposium (MORIS) 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, 23. –
26. 6. 2019. (talk)
- J. Kadlec, T.
Ostatnický, Nonlinear response of semiconductor nanocrystals to
intense THz fields, Optical Terahertz Science and Technology, Santa Fe, NM,
USA, 10.-15. 3. 2019. (poster)
- T. Ostatnický,
Linear terahertz conductivity beyond the Drude-Smith model, Optical
Terahertz Science and Technology, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 10.-15. 3. 2019.
- L. Nádvorník, M. Borchert, L. Brandt, R.
Schlitz, G. Jakob, M. Kläui, S. T. B. Goennenwein, G. Woltersdorf and T.
Kampfrath, Anisotropic Magnetoresistance at THz frequencies,
SPICE-Workshop Antiferromagnetic Spintronics: from topology to neuromorphic
computing, Mainz, Germany, 6. – 10. 10. 2019. (poster)