PhD students


PhD Students' Seminar f12

The seminar is intended for PhD students in the study programme Physics Education and General Problems of Physics (f12). The aim of the seminar is an active meeting of PhD students and an exchange of experience both with the teachers and with each other. The course includes presentations by PhD students depicting the progress of their studies and work, as well as discussions and information related to the current agenda (new developments in the field of research, new publications, grant calls, upcoming conferences, common agenda etc.).

The seminar takes place during both the winter and summer semesters and can be enrolled in repeatedly.


"Half-Defense" of PhD Students

The goal of the so-called "half-defenses" is to encourage primarily full-time PhD students to start working on coherent sections of their dissertation by the midpoint of their studies. Therefore, students who are finishing their second or beginning their third year of PhD studies are required to submit a part of their future dissertation, consisting of at least 25–30 pages of text, including references. This text should contain the results of a literature review and a clearly described methodology for the planned or ongoing research. The text is submitted for critical evaluation by at least one reviewer from the relevant field (see reviewer guidelines below).

Formally, "half-defenses" are not anchored in the study regulations, and their completion is entirely at the discretion of the student and his/her supervisor. However, we consider them to be valuable feedback for PhD students, so we recommend that supervisors consider including them as a requirement in the student's individual study plan.


Important dates

Upcoming "half-defense" dates: Thursdays, November 7 and November 21, 2024

Submission deadline for these dates: Sunday, October 6, 2024

Reviewer report submission deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024


Information for Reviewers