Research on intrinsic motivation in experimental activities
Research team: Petr Kácovský, Marie Snětinová, Martin Chvál, Jitka Houfková, Zdeňka Koupilová, Alexandr Nikitin
About the research
This quantitative research examines how different physics experimental activities satiate upper secondary students’ intrinsic motivation or situational interest. The theoretical framework of the research is the so-called self-determination theory. Specifically, we investigate three activities that our department has been offering and organizing long-term – hands-on practical work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory, lecture demonstrations known as Physics Demos for Upper Secondary Students, and the science show Physics in All Senses (in Czech only). The respondents are upper secondary school students participating in these events.
Research instrument
For the research, we have designed the research tool QIM (Questionnaire of Intrinsic Motivation), which consists of three parts:
- Part A collects metadata about respondents (e.g., age, gender, grades in physics, etc.).
- Part B is based on the publication Analysis of School Subjects on the Basis of the Testimony of Pupils (Pavelková et al., 2010; in Czech only) and focuses on the long-term attitudes of respondents towards physics as a school subject.
- Part C is the essential section of the questionnaire, constructed based on the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI).
Part C differs in the number and order of items depending on whether it relates to frontally presented performances (Physics Demos for Upper Secondary Students, Physics in All Senses) or to students’ practical work (Interactive Physics Laboratory). Therefore, the publications below use more specific terms DIMI and LIMI for the QIM questionnaire:
DIMI = Questionnaire used for frontally led performances (Physics Demos for Upper Secondary Students and Physics in All Senses; the versions for these two events only differ in the title and the introductory text).
LIMI = Questionnaire used for students’ practical work (in the Interactive Physics Laboratory).
Publications related to the research:
Kácovský, P. et al. (2023). Predictors of students’ intrinsic motivation during practical work in physics. International Journal of Science Education, 45(10), 806–826. [Online].
Kácovský, P., Snětinová, M. (2021). Physics demonstrations: who are the students appreciating them? International Journal of Science Education, 43(4), 529–551. [Online].
Snětinová, M., Kácovský, P., & Machalická, J. (2018). Hands-On Experiments in the Interactive Physics Laboratory: Students’ Intrinsic Motivation and Understanding. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 8(1), 55–75. [Online].