Head of Department: | David Stanovský |
Vice-Head of Department: | Jan Šťovíček |
Scientific Secretary: | Jan Žemlička |
Secretary: | Johanka Čablíková |
Study program coordinators:
- Mathematical Structures: Jan Šťovíček
- Mathematics for IT (bachelor degree): David Stanovský
- Mathematics for IT (master degree): Pavel Příhoda
- PhD program P4M1: Jan Krajíček
- Congratulations to Liran Shaul on defending his habilitation!
- On March 5, at 6 pm, Libor Barto will give a public lecture (in Czech) at Prague Castle.
- On March 27–30, 2025, the traditional Spring school will take place in Strazne in the Krkonose mountains.
- Libor Barto was named full professor!
- Stepan Holub, as a co-investigator, received the GACR grant on the topic Modern Czech Logic within the Philosophy of Mathematics.
- Our students Vojtech David and Vojtech Stepancik received the award for the best bachelor and master theses in the mathematics category, and Todor Antic was awarded for the best master thesis in the informatics category.
- David Stanovsky received Dean’s teaching award for excellent student questionnaire results in 2023/24.
- Congratulations to Libor Barto on defending his professorship!
- Libor Barto became a member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
- On September 1, Faruk Gologlu was appointed associate professor.
- Congratulations to Siu Hang Man for earning his PRIMUS grant!
- The traditional AAA conference was organized by our department in 2024. It was held between May 31 and June 2 in Mala Strana.
- Our students succeeded in the SVOC competition: Filip Filipi (2nd place), Ondrej Machac (honorable mention), Vojtech David (honorable mention).
- Congratulations to Mikulas Zindulka and Katerina Fukova for earning their GAUK grants!
- Faruk Gologlu defended his habilitation thesis Projective polynomials over finite fields and their applications in cryptography and combinatorics.
- Congratulations to Daniel Gil-Munoz for earning his 3-year GACR grant Arithmetic properties of Hopf-Galois extensions.
- Asmae Ben Yassine defended her PhD thesis Flat relative Mittag-Leffler modules and approximations, Azza Gaysin defended her PhD thesis Proof complexity of CSP, and Barbora Hudcova defended her PhD thesis Complexity and computational capacity of discrete dynamical systems. Congratulations!
- Vita Kala received Dean’s teaching award for excellent student questionnaire results in 2022/23.
- Jakub Krasensky defended his PhD thesis Universal quadratic forms over orders in number fields.
- David Uhrik defended his PhD thesis Colorings of infinite graphs.
- Starting in 2024, we will have two new PRIMUS grants. Congratulations to Michael Kompatcher and Pavlo Yatsyna!
- Kristina Asimi defended her PhD thesis Promises in satisfaction problems.
- Welcome Dima Zhuk as our new assistant professor. He won the competition organized by the School of Mathematics.
- Congratulations to Chiara Sava and to Mykyta Narusevych & Ondra Ježil for earning their GAUK grants.
- Vita Kala was elected chair of the evaluation panel for mathematics and computer science at Czech Science Foundation.
- Giacomo Cherubini, our recent postdoc, received the Bolzano Award for his work on Prime geodesic theorem.
- Gabriela Tethalova, our graduate from the program Matematics for information technologies, became a laureate of the Jindrich Chalupecky Award.
- Save the dates for the Spring School in Nature (Skola v prirode): March 23–26, 2023, in Prostredni mlyn near Jicin.
- Congratulations to Honza Stovicek for his new GACR grant Homological and structural theory in geometric contexts.
- Libor Barto received a prestigeous grant ERC Synergy Polynomial-time Computation: Opening the Blackboxes in Constraint Problems, jointly with Michael Pinsker from TU Wien and Manuel Bodirsky from TU Dresden. Detailed information can be found at the faculty website.
- Igor Oliveira, a former postdoctoral researcher at our department, received an ERC Starting Grant Synergies Between Complexity and Learning. Currently he works at the University of Warwick.
- Magdalena Tinková received the Josef Hlávka prize for her research conducted during her PhD studies at our department, which she successfully finished a few months ago.
- Vita Kala, Martin Raska and Libor Barto appeared on the list of the top-rated teachers at our faculty in the academic year 2021/2022.
- Sebastian Opper together with several other postdocs from our department received the PRIMUS Grant.
- Our students Matěj Doležálek a Martin Raška won the First Prize at the international competition for university students IMC.
- Matěj Doležálek received the Learned Society award for his work Quaternions and universal quadratic forms over number fields.
- Filippo Spaggiari got a three-year grant GAUK on the topic of Universal Algebraic and Group Theoretic methods in algebraic structures with unique division.
- We look forward to your PhD applications. The deadline is April 30, 2022.
- On May 13–15, our spring school will take place on the Tábor hill near Lomnice nad Popelkou.
- Michael Kompatscher will join our department as a new assistant professor.
- Pavlo Yatsyna received the Bolzano Award for his work on Representation of algebraic integers by quadratic forms.
- Students of the study branch Mathematical Structures received the Dean's prize for the best theses in mathematics: Martin Raška for his bachelor thesis (Sums of squares in number fields) and Jan Václavek for his master thesis (On search complexity of discrete logarithm).
- The website published a list of world's top compuer scientists which includes 10 Czech researchers. Three of them participate in our study program Mathematics for IT – Tomáš Pajdla, Tomáš Mikolov, Jan Flusser, and one in the program Mathematical structures – Jan Kratochvíl.
- Students of master and PhD degree can apply for a financial contribution for travels to conferences, research visits and summer schools. To apply, contact the administrator of the SVV project Jan Žemlička.
- Several new postdocs joined us within the past three months: Alessandro Fazzari, Francesco Genovese, Daniel Gil Muñoz, Aniket Shah, Eric Nathan Stucky, Błażej Żmija.
- Josef Dvořák defended his PhD thesis Structural and categorical description of classes of abelian groups.
- The next edition of the traditional departmental fall school was held Nov 4–7, 2021, on Lucký vrch.
- Antoine Mottet, our postdoctoral researcher working on the ERC grant of Libor Barto, received the annual Prize of the Bernard Bolzano Foundation for young mathematicians in Czechia.
- Magda Tinková defended her PhD thesis Arithmetic of number fields and generalized continued fractions and received the best evaluation grade for her GAUK project.
- Grant Agency of Charles University GAUK evaluated the results of Magda Tinková's finished project Indecomposable integers and universal quadratic forms as exceptionally good. In this three year project in number theory, the team of Magda and four other students obtained interesting results concerning the arithmetic of cubic and biquadratic number fields.
- Students of the Algebra Department were very successful in the Czecho-Slovak final of the student research competition SVOČ (section Mathematical structures): Matěj Doležálek won the 1st place for his work Quaternions and universal quadratic forms over number fields, and the 2nd place was shared by Žaneta Semanišinová (Paramedial quasigroups of prime and prime square order) and Ester Sgallová (Periodicity of Jacobi-Perron algorithm).