Organization of seminars
Related seminars
Conference organisation
- 19th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer Phenomena
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, May 25-27, 2023
- Workshop on Finite Elements in Science and Technology on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Professor Miloslav Feistauer
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, March 10-11, 2023
- Workshop Dresden-Prague on Numerical Analysis
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, once in two years
- GAMM Workshop on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra 2022
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, September 22-23, 2022
- EMS Schools Kacov
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, once in two years, May, Kácov
- The European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced (ENUMATH)
- ENUMATH, once every in two years
- Winder school and seminar on numerical analysis (SNA)
- Institute of Geonics AS CR, once in two years, January, Ostrava
- The International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL)
- BAIL, once every in two years
- Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky (PANM)
- Institute of Mathematics AS CR, once every in two years, June, Jizerské hory
- High performance computing in Science and Engeneering (HPCSE)
- IT4Innovations, once every in two years, May, Soláň
- Algoritmy, Conference on Scientific Computing
- Slovak University of Technology, once every three years, Podbanské, Slovensko
About us from matfyz and UK website
- Jarník’s Lecture by Dr. Erin Carson
- E. Carson, matfyz, 16.10.2024
- Professor Ivo Marek Award for Mgr. Josef Martínek
- J. Martínek, matfyz, 28.08.2023
- Prof. Zdeněk Strakoš wishes Matfyz on its 70th anniversary
- Z. Strakoš, matfyz, 05.12.2022
- Erin Carson has ERC, wants better algorithms for supercomputers
- E. Carson, UK Forum, 22.11.2022
- Seminar at Matfyz connects eight universities
- K. Henclová and I. Hnětynková, Forum, 08.01.2021
- Information about studying at KNM
- V. Kučera and L. Vacek, studuj matfyz, 17.11.2020
- Successful ERC project has a unique idea
- Z. Strakoš, Forum, 12.10.2020
- Connected (with) Matfyz
- M. Feistauer,, 12.06.2020
- That time in November
- M. Feistauer,, 04.10.2019
- Eyen enters the partner programme
- I. Hnětynková,, 09.05.2019
- Science at UK
- Z. Strakoš,, 25.04.2019
- 666 years Charles University
- Mistři světa v excelenci? Ve vědě nám chybí pokora a dostatek profesionality
- Z. Strakoš, Lidovky, Orientace, 02.12.2024
- Our scientists have received more than nine and a half billion crowns from the EU
- Z. Strakoš, Věda plus, Český rozhlas, 02.05.2024
- Fractals, Chaos and the Geometry of Nature
- V. Kučera, Hvězdárna a planetárium Brno, 08.10.2020
- On orthogonality, the Pythagorean theorem and the beauty of the mathematics of computing on computers
- Z. Strakoš, Matematika pro život, FJFI ČVUT, 17.01.2020
- The perfidious condition number
- Z. Strakoš, Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra , 29.05. 2019
- Story of Conjugate Gradients
- Z. Strakoš, Prague computer science seminar, 28.03.2019
- Can computers calculate?
- I. Hnětynková, Matematika pro život, FJFI ČVUT, 15.01. 2019
- Geometers and interpreters: science as a vocation or a profession?
- Z. Strakoš, Česká pozice, rozhovor, 08.05.2015
- Zaostřování obrazu pomocí matematických metod
- I. Hnětynková, přednáška na dni otevřených dveří Ústavu informatiky, 05.11.2014
- Cena Neuron
- Z. Strakoš jako garant oboru matematika, 11.09.2014
- O matematice výpočtů, zlatých telatech a jediném skutečném geometru
- Z. Strakoš, Science Café, 07.04.2014
- Potíže s Gaussovou eliminací
- P. Tichý, přednáška na dni otevřených dveří Ústavu informatiky, 12.11.2013
- Věda hledá budoucnost
- Z. Strakoš v pořadu T. Sedláčka, 26.03.2013
- Strakošův manifest
- Česká pozice, článek Martina Rychlíka, 28.09.2011