Seminars of the School of Mathematics
Department* | Regular time | Name | Chair / Organizers | Note |
KA | Monday 15:30 | Algebra seminar | J. Trlifaj | |
KA | Monday 16:00 | Logic seminar | J. Krajíček | |
KA | Tuesday 15:40 | Algebra colloquim | V. Kala, Z. Patáková | |
KA | Wednesday 14:00 | Number theory seminar | V. Kala | |
KDM | Thursday 10:00 | Seminar on differential equations and integration theory | G. A. Monteiro, A. Slavík | |
KDM | Thursday 14:00 | Seminar of the department of mathematics education | M. Rmoutil | Irregularly |
KMA | Monday 14:00 | Topological seminar | M. Hušek, B. Vejnar | |
KMA | Wednesday 9:00 | Function spaces seminar | S. Hencl, L. Pick | |
KMA | Wednesday 10:40 | Basic function spaces properties seminar | L. Pick, J. Vybíral, V. Musil | |
KMA | Wednesday 15:40 | Real and abstract analysis seminar | P. Holický, L. Zajíček | |
KMA | Friday 9:00 | Real function theory seminar | P. Holický, L. Zajíček, M. Zelený | |
KNM, MUUK | Monday 15:40 | Nečas seminar on continuum mechanics | M. Feistauer, J. Haslinger, M. Kružík, Š. Nečasová | iCal |
KNM, MUUK | Wednesday 9:00 | Modelling of materials - theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods | J. Málek, Z. Strakoš, K. Tůma | |
KNM | Wednesday 17:30 | Mathematical problems of non-mathematicians | K. Henclová, I. Hnětynková | Every 2 weeks |
KNM | Thursday 14:00 | Seminar in numerical mathematics | V. Kučera, I. Hnětynková, P. Tichý | iCal |
KNM | Friday 9:00 | Current problems in numerical analysis | M. Křížek, P. Kůs, J. Šístek, T. Vejchodský | |
KPMS | Wednesday 15:40 | Colloquium of the Department of probability and mathematical statistics | D. Hlubinka, J. Večeř | Every 2 weeks |
KPMS | Wednesday 15:40 | Advanced statistical seminar | M. Maciak, S. Nagy | Every 2 weeks |
KPMS | Thursday 9:00 | Stochastic programming and approximation | P. Lachout | |
KPMS | Friday 8:10 | Actuarial seminar | L. Mazurová | |
MUUK | Tuesday 9:00 | Seminar on partial differential equations | E. Feireisl, Š. Nečasová, M. Pokorný | |
MUUK, KPMS | Tuesday 15:40 | Seminar on stochastic geometry | J. Rataj | Every 2 weeks |
MUUK | Tuesday 16:00 | Noncommutative geometry and topology seminar | P. Somberg, R. O'Buachalla | |
MUUK | Wednesday 13:30 | Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statistics | P. Somberg, R. Golovko | |
MUUK | Thursday 14:00 | Mathematical methods of quantum field theory | E. Boffo, B. Jurčo | |
MUUK | Friday 9:00 | Seminar on differential geometry | P. Somberg | |
MUUK | Friday 10:40 | Seminar on harmonic analysis | R. Lávička, V. Souček |
* KA = Department of Algebra, KDM = Department of Mathematics Education, KMA = Department of Mathematical Analysis, KNM = Department of Numerical Mathematics, KPMS = Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, MUUK = Mathematical Institute of Charles University