University center for mathematical modeling, applied analysis and computational mathematics

Welcome to University centre for mathematical modelling, applied analysis and computational mathematics at the

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University 

The research team is composed of researchers working at School of Mathematics (Department of Mathematical Analysis,
Department of Numerical Mathematics, Mathematical Institute of Charles University) and School of Physics (Institute of
Astronomy of Charles University, Department of Atmospheric Physics and Department of Geophysics). All participating
institutes/departments are part of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. 


Upcoming events 

Modelling, PDE analysis and computational mathematics in materials science

Prague, Czech Republic, 22nd–27th September 2024



Pasr events 





Josef Málek (
project head

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Mathematical Institute
Sokolovská 49/83, 186 75 Praha 8, Czech Republic

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance