Commercialization describes applying research results in a way accessible to the public, predominantly through utilization in the industry.
Among possible kinds of commercialization are:
- transfer of intellectual property rights
- allowance to use intellectual property for a fee through licensing
- creation of spin-off companies to transfer intellectual property rights
- other appropriate forms of transfer, such as contract research, consultancy etc.
Commercialization and Commercialization Record Keeping Forms:
Agreement on Provision of Services within Research (Smlouva o poskytování služeb v oblasti výzkumu)
Research Contract Registration Form (Formulář pro evidenci smluvního výzkumu)
Offered/Acquired Licence Agreement for Industrial Ownership Registration Form (Formulář pro evidenci Poskytnuté/Nabyté licenční smlouvy k průmyslovému vlastnictví)
are available for download in the Forms here