Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

The responsibilities and rights of employees and students at Charles University concerning the protection of intellectual property rights are defined by the following university regulations: The Directive of the Rector of Charles University Regarding the Management of Intellectual Property Rights at Charles University (OR 46/2018) and the Dean's Measure regarding the Management of Intellectual Property Rights (SD 1/2019).

Employees and students who will throughout their work or study make a product/invention potentially valuable from an IP rights standpoint as described by the directive are obligated to notify the dean of the Faculty (by way of the Innovation Scouts from the Department for Business Cooperation). The notice is submitted via the form Notice of Invention or Innovation. The filled form containing the signatures of the initiator and the head(s) of the department is to be delivered to the Department for Business Cooperation (OFS).


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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