A Top-Level Centre Focused on the Research of Game Theory Algorithms in Socioeconomics Will Be Established at Matfyz

July 23, 2024

Matfyz has received a grant to realize prestigious projects from the European Horizon Europe programme (ERA Chair scheme). With the help of a leading expert from the Sorbonne in Paris, Michel Grabisch, the AGATE research centre (Algorithmic Game Theory in Socioeconomics) will be established at our faculty.

The new AGATE research centre will be led by Prof. Martin Loebl

Informatics research and innovation in traditional areas are at a good level in the Czech Republic, partly thanks to the Informatics section of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, of which the AGATE centre will be a part. The project will help elevate Charles University (and the Czech Republic) to the forefront of Europe.

„In the past, applications of informatics were primarily targeted at computer science, engineering, and technology. Today, however, informatics is experiencing a ‚gold rush‘ in the development of socio-economic applications, particularly using algorithmic game theory and related areas. To participate in this scientific revolution, it is necessary to move from traditional informatics sectors to areas such as algorithmic game theory, decision theory, computational social choice and optimization of fairness, public administration logistics along with their tools from mathematics, informatics, and optimization, including machine learning,“ said Martin Loebl, the head of the AGATE project, professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, and chairman of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic. He added that the use of game-theoretic algorithms and decision-making methods is nowadays significantly lacking in the Czech environment, especially in non-technical areas.

The project also aims to connect excellent research with innovations. ERA Chair holder Professor Michel Grabisch will provide Charles University not only with his extensive expertise in many areas of informatics and economics but also with his experience in leading the Microeconomics Department at the Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne in Paris.

Press Release


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance