Cooperation with Brown extended
On March 24, 2020 an extended version of Inter-University Agreement between Charles University and a member of the Ivy League, the prestigious Brown University (Providence, USA), was signed.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University newly engages in the cooperation in the field of chemical physics and mathematical linguistics, besides the traditional cooperation in the field of computational mathematics. Charles University continues to host Brown Lecture Series. As a part of this series, Prof. Stratt delivered a Strouhal Lecture titled Molecules are fast, so how can liquids be slow? in 2018 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Academics from Charles University are in turn invited to give a talk at Brown University. Brown University also commits to provide one short-term research visit scholarship per year for an MA or PhD student of Charles University.
OVZS, foto Adam Jones (CC BY-SA 2.0)