Assessment of secondary school certification and studies for applicants to Bachelor's programmes of study

Contact persons: Mgr. Veronika Kazimourová, Petra Okrouhlíková

The following documents may be used to prove compliance with the requirement for completing secondary school with a valid school leaving examination pursuant to Section 48 (4) of the Higher Education Act:

a) A document proving general recognition of equivalence or validity of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (nostrification)

The applicant shall submit an authenticated copy of the document stating the general recognition of equivalence or validity of the foreign document on achievement of secondary education in the Czech Republic, obtained in accordance with the Act No. 561/2004 Coll. as amended or under previous legislation.

This document is issued by regional authorities, the Prague City Hall or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

More information on the website of the Prague City Hall.

b) A document proving the awarding of the European Baccalaureate

The applicant shall provide a certified copy of the European Baccalaureate.

This concerns only the European Baccalaureate – it does not apply to International Baccalaureate.

c) A document automatically equivalent without any further administrative procedure

This is a foreign document on foreign secondary education with a school-leaving exam taken only in Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia.

The applicant shall provide an authenticated copy of a foreign certificate or a similar document on foreign secondary education, obtained by completing a secondary education programme at a foreign secondary school operating under the legislation of another state

If necessary, the faculty will ask the applicant to submit the following documents:

  • An original or an authenticated copy of a document describing the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school (an overview of courses including the number of hours of instruction for each year of study).

d) A foreign document concerning foreign secondary education

As part of the admission procedure, faculties may assess the fulfilment of the condition of achieving secondary education with a school-leaving examination according to Section 48 (4) of the Higher Education Act, for applicants who completed their secondary school curriculum at a foreign secondary school, an international secondary school, a European school under the Convention Defining the Statute of the European Schools or a school authorized to provide compulsory schooling according to the Education Act.

The applicant will submit:

  • Completed form [ PDF | RTF | DOCX ]
  • An authenticated copy of the foreign certificate or a similar document proving foreign secondary education obtained by completing a secondary school educational programme at a foreign secondary school operating under the legislation of another state,
  • An original or an authenticated copy of a document describing the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school (an overview of subjects including the number of hours of instruction for individual years of study).

The assessment is valid only for the admission procedure at the relevant faculty. In the case of a negative assessment, the applicant is required to submit a document under letter (a) (general nostrification).

If necessary, the faculty will ask the applicant to submit also the following documents:

  • Additional information on the content and scope of foreign secondary education
  • Additional information that the study programme was carried out by an institution authorized to offer education comparable to secondary education under the Education Act,
  • Confirmation of the relevant foreign secondary school or other relevant foreign body (e.g. the Ministry of Education) that a graduate in a secondary school curriculum of a given foreign secondary school is entitled to apply for admission to a Bachelor's or a Master's degree programme in that foreign country programme that does not follow a Bachelor's degree program.

Please send the above-mentioned documents in paper form by post (not by e-mail) to the faculty address below by July 31, 2025

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Study Department
Ke Karlovu 3
121 16 Prague 2

Contact persons for queries: Mgr. Veronika Kazimourová, Petra Okrouhlíková

Documents that are not originally issued in the Czech, English or Slovak languages must be officially translated into the Czech or English language.

Requirements on document verification
Based on the country where the document certifying the secondary education was issued.
Forms of verification by country of acquisition

Other background material
If the applicant's situation so requires, he/she shall also submit the following documents:
1) A power of attorney for the purposes of proving compliance with the requirement for admission under section 48 (4) and (5) of the Higher Education Act;
2) If the applicant’s name changes, an authenticated copy of a document proving such a change (e.g., a marriage certificate);
3) An authenticated copy of the decision to award international protection, if the assessment is requested by a person listed in section 90 (4) of the Higher Education Act and if this person wishes to use the possibility of substituting a document with an affirmation.
Rector's Measure No. 15/2018 – Rules for the Assessment of Foreign Secondary and Higher Education in Admissions at Charles University


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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