Our collaborators:

Mgr. Zdeňka Voštová
Mgr. Zdeňka Voštová is a Gestalt therapist, lecturer and registered mediator. In addition to therapeutic work with students, she runs her private practice in Prague. Among other things, she is dedicated to bringing the phenomenon of environmental anxiety into the public debate. She conducts seminars on psychohygiene, non-violent communication and conflict management for students of the MFF UK.

Ing. Lukáš Kučera
Ing. Lukáš Kučera is a therapist, lecturer and guide for personal and career development. He originally graduated from FJFI ČVUT, then he did a three-year Somatic Experience training for working with trauma and stress and is currently completing a five-year therapeutic training in Integrative Psychotherapy with a focus on the body. For MFF UK he conducts seminars on time management, stress management and relaxation.

Alžběta Kadlecová
We introduce the organizers of the Personal Development Group. Alžběta completed her doctorate in solid-state physics at „Matfyz“ in September 2021. She enjoys the board game go, meeting friends, and songs based on Tolkien's Middle Earth. Working with the group, she passes on the experience from her own studies, helps students clarify their goals, and also makes introductions to relaxation and meditation.

Willy Svoboda
Willy is a Master's student in Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics. He organized the MaSo math competition for 2.5 years and is helping first-year students as a student guide for three years now. He also supports older students as the organizer of the Personal Development Group, where he specializes in setting goals, building habits, and keeping commitments. At the same time, he is also a member of the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate, films mathematical videos, and participates in the creation of teaching materials. Last but not least, he is part of the MATFYZ HELP team – he is the administrator of the Instagram account. You can message us at any time, Willy will be happy to answer and help.

Jakub Černý
Jakub Černý co-organizes the Self-Development Group and is a new senator in SKAS. He is a student of Mathematics for Information Technology in the Bachelor's program. He holds several victories in mathematical and logical competitions. His hobbies include climbing, chess, adrenaline activities, and spending time with people. He enjoys working with people therefore he aspires to pursue leadership and management positions in the future. He finds satisfaction in setting goals for himself and working on self-improvement, whether through physical training or setting long-term personal goals.

Petra Hyklová
Petra Hyklová is one of the organizers of students’ personal development group. She studied teaching of physics and mathematics and did a Ph.D. in history of science at the faculty. She likes helping both people and animals, used to work with students with physical disabilities, and volunteers at a bat rescue station. In the personal development group, she mentors younger students, helps participants get clear on their priorities, and teaches methods for organizing time and energy.

Mgr. Anna Vozková
She graduated from the Faculty of Education at Charles University with a Master's degree in Psychology. She has worked in various positions, such as a school psychologist and an instructor of adaptation courses. For 6 years, she was a counseling psychologist for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. For the past two years, she has worked as a coordinator for students with psychological problems at the Carolina Center of CU. In addition to providing study strategy training, she offers individual psychological consultations and facilitates support groups. Also, she leads seminars focused on soft skills development and mental resilience support. Simultaneously, she teaches at the Faculty of Education and is finishing her Ph.D. studies.

Anna thoroughly enjoys working with neurodiverse people (such as those with ASD, ADHD, etc.) because it allows her to discover new ways of perceiving the world. She also enjoys working with students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics as she learns from them about entirely new fields of study. Besides her work, she is passionate about documentary films, sports, handicrafts, and spending time in nature and with animals.

Bc. Kamil Rain
Kamil Rain is a Peer therapist who works for the Metropolitan Health Service as a project coordinator, responsible for supporting user and self-help activities in Prague. He is a former expert of the Initiative Na rovinu of the National Mental Health Institute and has worked for Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice. Additionally, he is a social worker and a discussion moderator. He serves as a lecturer for self-development and self-care courses in the field of mental health, assertiveness, psychohygiene, Recovery, and HOP.

He has experience teaching prevention of mental diseases at High schools and Universities. He has also attended additional education courses, peer courses, participated in therapeutic groups. He has self-experience training and has training in leading self-help groups.

Mgr. Michaela Pacáková
Michaela Pacáková is a psychologist and therapist. She has worked as a primary prevention lecturer for primary schools, with parents going through conflictual divorces, and in a community for individuals with personality disorders. Currently, she finds fulfillment in therapeutic work, particularly in the areas of relationships, anxiety, addiction, and personal development. She is also involved in the National Quitline for smoking cessation and works at the psychological counseling center of Charles University. She believes that each of us has the potential for change and fulfillment of our needs. In her practice, she focuses on strengthening self-awareness, supporting growth, and building trust in one's abilities. She enjoys discovering clients' strengths and exploring their interests and understanding with them. She works with clients' current experiences and behaviors, respecting the uniqueness of each individual and adopting an individualized approach based on their needs.

Mgr. Lukáš Krump, Ph.D
Lukáš Krump is part of the team providing counselling at the faculty. Having studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics himself, he connected his whole professional life with the faculty, working as a researcher and a well-liked lecturer at the Mathematical institute. For fifteen years he was the only contact person for special educational needs students, bringing to life a variety of support services. Apart from mathematics he is interested in a variety of people skills ranging from psychology and crisis intervention to massage, so you can talk to him freely about anything. Being a teacher, he can provide a multifaceted understanding of your study problems.

Phone number: 602 363 141
E-mail: krump[at]karlin.mff.cuni.cz
Web: click

Mgr. Petr Arbet
Petr Arbet is a professional psychologist, coach, and therapist currently in training. He considers his mission to be someone who enjoys awakening the desire in others to be themselves. As a student, he realized how challenging it can be to find one's life purpose and meaning. Due to circumstances, he met someone who helped him discover both, for which he is immensely grateful. He would like to offer the same to you. Currently, he focuses on working with very demanding issues such as severe depression, bullying, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, and sexual assault.

Mgr. Martina Švédová, PhD
Martina Švédová is a therapist and lecturer. Her path led from biochemistry (PřF UK), via experiential pedagogy to psychology, mindfulness and psychotherapy. She likes to always learn something new, discovers the landscapes of the soul during therapeutic work, and the souls of landscapes when she sometimes temporarily lives abroad.
She offers clients kind support and a safe environment in which they can explore together what is troubling them. Her therapy is mainly based on the Gestalt approach, which is adapted to the current needs of a specific client. She focuses more on the present, where she pays attention to thoughts, emotions and body. She also often finds inspiration in topics she enjoys, such as resilience, mindfulness, self-compassion, positive psychology and interpersonal neurobiology.

Mgr. Hana Urbanová
Mgr. Hana Urbanová is a psychotherapist, lecturer and consultant. She has spent most of her professional life in the non-profit sector, where she has held various managerial and teaching roles. She also travelled a lot – she led a People in Need organisation mission in Namibia, had a six-month internship in Finland, and taught English in Madrid, Spain, for a year. Apart from her therapeutic work, she is presently lecturing and consulting with organisation called TUDYTAM, assisting people and groups in enhancing their communication and managerial skills. In addition to completing several courses on therapeutic techniques, mindfulness, and personal growth, she is presently finishing a five-years long therapeutical training. She regularly supervises her client work.
Her approach to therapy is centred on establishing a safe space where people can talk or stay silent about anything, use different therapeutic techniques to see themselves and the world in a different light, or just be „here and now“.
She enjoys reading, doing yoga or swimming, taking walks through the countryside, and constantly exploring the world with her kid.


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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