Publikace 2005
Odborné články
- F. Trojánek, K. Neudert, M.
Bittner, P. Malý, Picosecond photoluminescence
and transient absorption in silicon nanocrystals, Phys. Rev. B 72, 075365 (2005).
- P. Němec, Y.
Kerachian, H.M. van Driel, A.L. Smirl, Spin-dependent electron many body
effects in GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 72, 245202
- R.D.R. Bhat, P. Němec, Y. Kerachian, H.M. van
Driel, J.E. Sipe, A.L. Smirl, Two-photon spin injection in
semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 71, 035209
- P. Němec, P. Malý,
Temperature dependence of coherent phonon dephasing in CsPbCl3
nanocrystals, Phys. Rev. B 72, 235324 (2005).
- K.
Luterová, D. Navarro, M. Cazzanelli, T. Ostatnický, J.
Valenta, S. Cheylan, I. Pelant, L. Pavesi, Stimulated emission in the active
planar optical waveguide made of silicon nanocrystals, phys. stat. sol ©
2, 3429–3434 (2005).
- T. Ostatnický,
P. Gilliot and B. Hőnerlage, The spin structure of excitons and biexcitons
in semiconductor quantum wells, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 113516
- P. Malý, Optical spectroscopy of ultrafast
processes, Proc. SPIE vol. 5945, p. 1401 – 1412, The
International Society for Optical Engineering,
Washington, 2005.
- M. Šimurda, P.
Němec, F. Trojánek, P. Malý, T.
Miyoshi, K. Kasatani, Single-step light-assisted patterning of photonic
properties of chemical-bath-deposited CdSe nanocrystalline films, Thin
Solid Films 480–481, 457 (2005).
- S.
Santhi, F. Trojánek, Investigation of nonlinear
properties of CdS-doped glasses, Physica E 27, 38
- Z. Macháčková, I. Němec, K. Teubner, P.
Němec, P. Vaněk, Dusičnan difenylguanidinia(1+) – studium
vibračních spekter, krystalové struktury a nelyneárních optických
vlastností, ChemZi 1, 180–181
- P. Němec, P. Nahálková,
D. Sprinzl, P. Malý, Polovodičová
spintronika a časově rozlišená laserová spektroskopie, Čes. čas fyz.
55, 171–180 (2005).
- H. Rahimpour Soleimani, S.
Cronenberger, O. Crégut, J.-P. Likforman, M. Gallart, T.
Ostatnický, P. Gilliot, B. Hőnerlage, Spin dynamics and lifetime
of exciton polaritons in CuCl, Appl. Surf. Sci. 247,
107–114 (2005).
- K. Luterová, M. Cazzanelli, J.-P. Likforman, D.
Navarro, J. Valenta, T. Ostatnický, K. Dohnalová, S. Cheylan,
P. Gilliot, B. Hőnerlage, L. Pavesi, I. Pelant, Optical gain in
nanocrystalline silicon: comparison of planar waveguide geometry with a non-waveguiding ensemble of nanocrystals, Opt. Mater. 27,
750–755 (2005).
- Ostatnicky T, Valenta J, I. Pelant,
K. Luterová, R.G. Ellimand, S. Cheylane, B. Hőnerlage, Photoluminescence
from an active planar optical waveguide made of silicon nanocrystals: dominance
of leaky substrate modes in dissipative structures, Opt. Mater.
27, 781–786 (2005).
Konference - zvané příspěvky
- K. Luterová, K. Dohnalová, F. Trojánek, K.
Neudert, P. Gilliot, B. Hönerlage, P. Malý, I.
Pelant, Optical gain in silicon nanocrystals, 21. ICANS,
Lisabon 2005.
Konference - příspěvky
- P. Němec, P. Nahálková, D.
Sprinzl, P. Horodyský, E. Belas, J.Franc, P. Malý,
Spin-sensitive transient absorption measurements in CdTe high above the bad
gap, APS March meeting, paper N10 8, Los Angeles, Kalifornie, USA, 21. –
25. 3. 2005.
- P. Němec, P.
Nahálková, D. Sprinzl, M. Šimurda,
F. Trojánek, P. Malý, J. T. Devreese, V. N.,
Gladilin Spin coherence in CdS quantum dots, APS March meeting, paper
A10 13, Los Angeles, Kalifornie, USA, 21. – 25. 3. 2005.
- M.
Šimurda, P. Němec, P. Malý, P.
Formánek I. Němec, Y. Němcová, Morphology of CdSe films prepared by
chemical bath deposition: the role of substrate, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2005,
paper F-III.06, Strasbourg, France, 31. 5. –
3. 6. 2005.
- P. Nahálková, P.
Němec, D. Sprinzl, E. Belas, P. Horodyský, J. Franc,
P. Malý, Spin dynamics in bulk CdTe at room
temperature, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2005, paper B-VI.03, Strasbourg, France,
31. 5. – 3. 6. 2005.
- D. Sprinzl, P.
Nahálková, P. Malý, P. Němec,
Spin relaxation measurements in CdS nanocrystals, XXXIV International
School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, paper TuP16, Jaszowiec,
Poland, 4. – 10. 6. 2005
- K. Neudert, F.
Trojánek, P. Malý, Time-resolved
photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals, XXXIV International School on
the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, Program & Abstracts, TuP22,
Jaszowiec 2005.
- D. Sprinzl, P.
Nahálková, J. T. Devreese, V. N. Gladilin, P. Malý,
and P. Němec, Spin-polarised carriers in CdS
quasi-spherical quantum dots, 12th International Conference on II-VI
Compounds, paper Mon-P-52, Warsaw, Poland, 12. – 16. 9. 2005.
- I.
Němec, Z. Macháčková, I. Císařová, P. Němec, Z. Mička,
A novel non-linear opical material –1,3-diphenylguanidinium-L-tartare,
MC7: Functional Materials for the 21st Century, paper P085, Edinburg, UK,
5. – 8. 7. 2005.
- P. Janda, T. Ostatnický, J.
Valenta, K. Luterová, I. Pelant, Active Planar Optical Waveguides Made of
Silicon Nanocrystals, International Summer School „Science and Technology
at Nanoscale“, 6th – 11th June 2005, Tři Studně, Czech
- E. Skopalová, M. Rejman, T.
Ostatnický, K. Luterová, I. Pelant, Leaky Modes in Active Planar
Optical Waveguide Made of Silicon Nanocrystals, International Summer School
„Science and Technology at Nanoscale“, 6th – 11th June 2005, Tři
Studně, Czech Republic.
- P. Janda, J. Valenta, T.
Ostatnický, I. Pelant, R.G.Elliman, Light propagation in planar
optical waveguides made of silicon nanocrystals buried in silica glass,
Conference ICTF13ACSIN8, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.
- J. Valenta,
T. Ostatnický, P. Janda, K. Luterová, E. Skopalová, I.
Pelant, and R.G. Elliman, Photoluminescence from active planar optical
waveguides made of silicon nanocrystals, ICTF 13/ACSIN 8, June 19–23,
2005 Stockholm (abstract book O149).