Publikace 2008
Odborné články
- E. Rozkotová, P. Němec, N.
Tesařová, P. Malý, V. Novák, K. Olejník, M. Cukr,
T. Jungwirth, Coherent control of magnetization precession in ferromagnetic
semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 232505
- P. Němec, J. Preclíková, A.
Kromka, B. Rezek, F. Trojánek, and P. Malý,
Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited charge carriers in nanocrystalline
diamond, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 083102
- E. Rozkotová, P. Němec,
P. Horodyská, D. Sprinzl, F.
Trojánek, P. Malý, V. Novák, K. Olejník, M. Cukr,
T. Jungwirth, Light-induced magnetization precession in GaMnAs, Appl.
Phys. Lett 92, 122507 (2008).
- J.
Preclíková, F. Trojánek, P.
Němec, and P. Malý, Multicolour photochromic
behaviour of silver nanoparticles in titanium dioxide matrix, phys. stat.
sol. © 5, 3496 (2008).
- J.
Preclíková, F. Trojánek, A. Kromka, B. Rezek,
B. Dzurňák, and P. Malý, Ultrafast
photoluminescence of nanocrystalline diamond films, phys. stat. sol. (a)
205, 2154 (2008).
- P. Němec,
M. Šimurda, I. Němec, P. Formánek, Y. Němcová, D.
Sprinzl, F. Trojánek, P. Malý,
Chemical bath deposition of CdSe and CdS nanocrystalline films: tailoring of
morphology, optical properties and carrier dynamics, phys. stat. sol. (a)
205, 2324 (2008).
- T. Miyoshi, K.
Neudert, P. Malý, Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in
CdSSe Nanocrystals in Glass Matrix, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
47, 2168 (2008).
- I. Pelant, R. Tomašiunas, V.
Sirutkaitis, J. Valenta, T. Ostatnický, K. Kůsová, R.G.
Elliman, Ultrafast decay of femtosecond laser-induced grating in
silicon-quantum-dot-based optical waveguides, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
41, 015103 (2008)
- I. Matulková, I. Němec, K.
Teubner, P. Němec, Z. Mička, Novel compound of
4-amino-1,2,4-triazole with dicarboxylic acids – crystal structures,
vibrational spectra and non-linear optical properties, J. Mol. Struct.
873, 46 (2008).
- K. Dohnalová, I. Pelant, K. Kůsová,
P. Gilliot, M. Gallart, O. Crégut, J-L. Rehspringer, B. Hönerlage, T.
Ostatnický, S. Bakardjeva, Closely packed luminescent silicon
nanocrystals in a distributed-feedback laser cavity, New J. Phys.
10, 063014 (2008).
- I. Matulková, I. Němec, I.
Císařová, P. Němec, Z. Mička, Inorganic salts of
biguanide – Searching for new materials for second harmonic generation,
J. Mol. Struct. 886, 103 (2008).
- P. Štěpnička, M.
Zábranský, M. Lamač, I. Císařová, P. Němec, The
variability of hydrogen-bonded of supramolecular assemblies in crystallines
picrates prepared from ferrocenyl-substituted b-aminoalcohols, J.
Organomet. Chem. 693, 1779–1786 (2008).
- G. S.
Martynková, L. Kulhánková, P. Malý, P. Čapková,
Fluorescence and Structure of Methyl Red-Clay Nanocomposites, J.
Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8, 2069 (2008).
- P.
Němec, M. Šimurda, I. Němec, P. Formánek, Y.
Němcová, D. Sprinzl, F. Trojánek,
P. Malý, Chemical bath deposition of CdSe and CdS
nanocrystalline films: tailoring of morphology, optical properties and carrier
dynamics, phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, 10
- E. Rozkotová, P. Němec,
D. Sprinzl, P. Horodyská, F.
Trojánek, P. Malý, V. Novák, K. Olejník, M. Cukr,
T. Jungwirth, Laser-induced precession of magnetization in GaMnAs, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics 44, 2674 (2008).
Konference - příspěvky
- P. Němec, E. Rozkotová, D.
Sprinzl, N. Tesařová, P. Malý, V.
Novák, K. Olejník, M. Cukr, T. Jungwirth, Laser-induced precession of
ferromagnetically coupled Mn spins in (Ga,Mn)As, Fifth International
Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin-related Phenomena in
Semiconductors – PASPS V, p. 84, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 3. –
6. 8. 2008. (talk)
- E. Rozkotová, P.
Němec, P. Horodyská, D. Sprinzl,
F. Trojánek, P. Malý, V. Novák, K.
Olejník, M. Cukr, T. Jungwirth, Ultrafast laser spectroscopy of
GaMnAs, IEEE IMternational Magnetics Conference, paper BF-02, Madrid,
Spain, 4.-8.5.2008. (talk)
- B. Dzurňák, F.
Trojánek, J. Preclíková, A. Kromka, B. Rezek,
P. Malý, Subgap photoluminescence and absorption
spectroscopy of nanocrystalline diamond films, Diamond 2008, Sitges, Spain,
7.-11. 9. 2008. (poster)
- J. Preclíková, F.
Trojánek, A. Kromka, B. Rezek, B. Dzurňák,
P. Malý, Ultrafast photoluminescence of nanocrystalline
diamond films, Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2008, SBDD XIII, Hasselt, Belgium,
25–27.2.2008. (poster)
- J. Preclíková, P.
Galář, F. Trojánek, P. Malý,
Multicolour photochromic response of Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite- role of light
illumination, Advanced Nano Materials 2008, Aveiro, Portugal 22.-25.6.2008.
- K. Žídek, F. Trojánek,
B. Dzurňák, P. Malý, I. Pelant,
Spectral and dynamical study of nonlinear luminescence from silicon
nanocrystals excited by ultrashort pulses, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2008,
26.5.-30.5.2008, Strasbourg, France. (talk)
- P. Malý, Optika, textbook, Karolinum, Praha,
2008 (ISBN 978–80–246–1342–0).
- T. Ostatnický,
M. Rejman, J. Valenta, K. Herynková, I. Pelant, Guiding
and Amplification of Light due to Silicon Nanocrystals Embedded in
Waveguides, chapter in the book: Leonid Khriachtchev (Ed.): „Silicon
Nanophotonics: Basic Principles, Present Status and Perspectives“, World
Scientific, 2008.