Publikace 2011
Odborné články
- V. Novák, M. Cukr, Z. Soban, T. Jungwirth, X. Martí, V. Holy,
P. Horodyská, P. Němec, Molecular beam
epitaxy of LiMnAs, J. Cryst. Growth 323, 348–350 (2011),
arXiv: 1009.0699v1.
- K. Žídek, I. Pelant, F.
Trojánek, P. Malý, P. Gilliot, B. Honerlage, J.
Oberle, L. Siller, R. Little, B. R. Horrocks, Ultrafast stimulated emission
due to quasidirect transitions in silicon nanocrystals, Phys. Rev. B 84, 085321 (2011).
- B. Dzurňák,
F. Trojanek, J. Preclíková, A. Kromka, B.
Rezek, P. Malý, Ultrafast photoluminescence spectroscopy
of H- and O-terminated nanocrystalline diamond films, Diamond Relat. Mater.
20, 1155 (2011).
- J. Preclíková,
P. Galář, F. Trojánek, B. Rezek, Y.
Němcova, P. Malý, Photoluminescence of nanocrystalline
titanium dioxide films loaded with silver nanoparticles, J. Appl. Phys.
109, 083528 (2011).
- T. Jungwirth, V. Novák, X. Martí,
M. Cukr, F. Máca, A. B. Shick, J. Mašek, P. Horodyská,
P. Němec, V. Holý, J. Zemek, P. Kužel, I. Němec, B. L.
Gallagher, R. P. Campion, C. T. Foxon, J. Wunderlich, I-Mn-V semiconductor
epilayers, Phys. Rev. B 83, 035321 (2011), arXiv:
- K. Žídek, F. Trojánek,
P. Malý, I. Pelant, P. Gilliot, B. Hönerlage, Ultrafast
photoluminescence dynamics of blue-emitting silicon nanostructures, phys.
stat. sol. © 8, 979 (2011).
- M. Maragkou, C. E.
Richards, T. Ostatnický, A. J. D. Grundy, J. Zajac, M. Hugues,
W. Langbein and P. G. Lagoudakis, Optical analogue of the spin Hall effect
in a photonic cavity, Opt. Lett. 36, 1095
- I. Matulková, I. Němec, P. Němec,
Materiály pro generování druhé harmonické frekvence, Čs. čas.
fyz. 61, 76–84 (2011).
- P. Pustkova, Z. Klika,
J. Preclikova, T.M. Grygar, Enhanced fluorescence of
selected cationic dyes adsorbed on reduced-charge montmorillonite, Clay
Minerals 46, 93–103 (2011).
- Z. Mics, H. Nemec, I.
Rychetsky, P. Kuzel, P. Formanek, P. Maly, and P.
Nemec, Charge transport and localization in nanocrystalline CdS
films: A time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy study, Phys. Rev. B 83, 155326 (2011).
Konference - příspěvky
- Dzurňák B., Trojánek F., Kromka A.,
Rezek B., Malý P., Ultrafast photoluminescence of
nanocrystalline diamond films with different grain structure and surface
termination, Diamond 2011, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 4.-8.9.2011.
- Dzurňák B., Ultrafast photoluminescence
spectroscopy of nanocrystalline diamond films, Nanocon 2011,
21–23.9.2011, Brno. (poster)
- M. Kořínek,
Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of silicon nanocrystals,
Nanocon 2011, 21–23.9.2011, Brno. (poster)
- T.
Ostatnický, Macroscopic transport of polariton quantum fluid,
International Conference on Spontaneous Condensation of Excitons (ICSCE-5),
Lausanne, Švýcarsko, 6.-11. 2. 2011. (poster)
- N.
Tesařová, E. Rozkotová, H. Reichlová, P.
Malý, V. Novák, M. Cukr, T. Jungwirth, P. Němec,
Laser-induced Precession of Magnetization in Ferromagnetic Semiconductor
(Ga,Mn)As: The Role of Magnetic Anisotropy, Recent Trends in Nanomagnetism,
Spintronics and thein Applications (RTNSA), Ordizia, Španělsko, 1.-
4. 6. 2011. (talk)
- P. Němec, E.
Rozkotová, N. Tesařová, F.
Trojánek, P. Malý, T. Jungwirth, K. Olejník, J.
Zemen, V. Novak, M. Cukr, Non-thermal laser induced precession of
magnetization in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, Magnetics and
Optics Research International Symposium 2011 (MORIS2011), Nijmegen, Holandsko,
21. – 24. 6. 2011. (talk)
- E. Rozkotová,
P. Němec, N. Tesařová, F.
Trojánek, P. Malý, T. Jungwirth, K. Olejník, J.
Zemen, V. Novák, M. Cukr, E. de Ranieri, J. Wunderlich, Control of
magnetization precession in (Ga,Mn)As by piezo-stressing, Magnetics and
Optics Research International Symposium 2011 (MORIS2011), Nijmegen, Holandsko,
21. – 24. 6. 2011. (poster)
- H. Reichlová, P.
Němec, N. Tesařová, E. Rozkotová,
P. Malý, V. Novák, M. Cukr, T. Jungwirth, Investigation
of ultrafast demagnetization in (Ga,Mn)As, Magnetics and Optics Research
International Symposium 2011 (MORIS2011), Nijmegen, Holandsko, 21. –
24. 6. 2011. (poster)
- P.Galář,
B.Dzurňák, F.Trojánek, B.Rezek. J.Čermák,
P.Malý, Optical Properties, Photoluminescence and
Photo-Induced Changes of Polypyrrole on Diamond, Platinum and Quartz
Substrates, Conducting Polymers, Prague, 10 –
14 July.
- M. Kozák, P. Horodyská,
J. Pařízek, F. Trojánek, and P.
Malý, Ultrafast laser spectroscopy of electron-hole liquid in CVD
bulk diamond, Diamond 2011, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,
- J. Valenta, T. Ostatnický, I. Pelant, Waveguides
for Nanophotonics, in: Klaus D. Sattler (Ed.): „Handbook of Nanophysics:
Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics“, CRC Press, 2011.