Prof. Dr. RNDr. Miroslav Karlík
telefon: 22435 1359 |
- mikrostruktura a mechanické vlastnosti materiálů
- vlastnosti intermetalik na bázi železa a titanu
- atomová struktura poruch a rozhraní v kovech a slitinách
- tenké vrstvy
- elektronová mikroskopie
- 1996 (2 měsíce) Laboratoire de Mécanique, Sols, Structures et Matériaux, École Centrale Paris, Francie
- 1997 (3 měsíce) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japonsko,
- 2001-2007 (13 měsíců) Laboratoire de Mécanique, Sols, Structures et Matériaux, École Centrale Paris, Francie
DAGHBOUJ, N. – LI, B.S. – CALLISTI, M. – SEN, H.S. – KARLÍK, M. – POLCAR, T.: Microstructural evolution of helium-implanted 6H-SiC subjected to different irradiation conditions and annealing temperatures: a multiple characterization study, Acta Materialia 181 (2019) 160-172.
FRUTOS, E. – KARLÍK, M. – POLCAR, T.: The role of α″ orthorhombic phase content on the tenacity and fracture toughness behavior of Ti-22Nb-10Zr coating used in the design of long-term medical implants, Applied Surface Science 464 (2019) pp. 328–336.
DAGHBOUJ, N. – LI, B. S. – KARLÍK, M. – DECLEMY, A.: 6H-SiC blistering efficiency as a function of the hydrogen implantation fluence, Applied Surface Science 466 (2019) pp. 141–150.
VRONKA, M. - KARLÍK, M. – VESELÝ, J. – MAŇÁK, J. – HECZKO, O.: Suppression of twinning mechanism on nanoscale: size effect in Cu–Ni–Al shape memory alloy, Journal of Materials Science 54 (2019) pp 6586–6593.
FRUTOS, E. – KARLÍK, M. – JIMENEZ, A. J. – LANGHANSOVÁ, H. – LIESKOVSKÁ, J. – POLCAR, T.: Development of new beta/alpha''-Ti-Nb-Zr biocompatible coating with low Young's modulus and high toughness for medical applications, Materials & Design 142 (2018) pp. 44-55.
KARLÍK, M., Úvod do transmisní elektronové mikroskopie, Česká technika – nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 2011, 322s, ISBN 978-80-01-04729-3.