Climate research group

Climate and climate change research has a very long tradition at our department. Since the 70s of the 20th century, the members of the department have been involved in monitoring the development of the climate in Central Europe, studying the causes of the identified changes, and later they also participated in the introduction of numerical climate modeling procedures in the Czech Republic. Currently, the group focuses on statistical analysis of observed climatological data with a strong emphasis on non-linear processes and attribution of possible causes of observed changes, numerical climate modeling and analysis of climate model outputs, creation of climate change scenarios and analysis of related uncertainties. The results of our research are important both from the point of view of basic research (study of processes in the climate system) and from the point of view of various applications, including adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts in the Czech Republic and Central Europe.

Currently, the group is involved in a number of domestic and foreign projects and contributed to a large number of scientific publications.

Head of the group: Doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc..
Key members: Mgr. Michal Belda, Ph.D, RNDr. Eva Holtanová, Ph.D, Doc. Mgr. Jiří Mikšovský, Ph.D, Doc. RNDr. Michal Žák, Ph.D
Postdocs: Natália Machado Crespo, Ph.D.; Shruti Verma, Ph.D.; Anahí Villalba Pradas, Ph.D.; Ms.C. Amanda Imola Szabó, Ph.D.
Doctorands: Herijaona Hani-Roge Hundilida Randriatsara, Saoussen Dhib, Zablon Weku Shilenje

The research topics include

  • statistical analysis of observed climatological data, variability and climate change
  • numerical modeling – custom simulations with RegCM and WRF models
  • analysis of outputs of climate models available from international and national projects, validation and evaluation of uncertainties
  • creation of climate change scenarios, estimation and reduction of uncertainty
  • climate classification
  • links between urbanization and climate


The group is currently participating in projects FOCI (evaluation of the climate impact of non-CO2 emissions), OP JAK Georizika (comprehensive quantification of anthropogenic and natural georisks) and PERUN (assessment of the uncertainties of the prepared climate change scenarios for the Czech Republic).

International cooperation

We have long-term cooperation and contribute to regional climate research and modeling within the global CORDEX initiative in its European branch EURO-CORDEX.

Selected publications

  • HOLTANOVÁ, E., Belda, M., Crespo, N.M. and Halenka, T.: On the relation of CMIP6 GCMs errors at RCM driving boundary condition zones and inner region for Central Europe region, Clim. Dyn.,, 2024.
  • PORFIRIO da ROCHA Rosmeri, Simões Reboita Michelle, Machado Crespo Natália: Analysis of the extreme precipitation event that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul between april and may 2024, Journal Health NPEPS, 9(1),, 2024.
  • de SOUZA, D.C., Crespo, N.M., da Silva, D.V. et al. Extreme rainfall and landslides as a response to human-induced climate change: a case study at Baixada Santista, Brazil, 2020, Nat Hazards,, 2024.
  • REBOITA, Michelle Simões, João Gabriel Martins Ribeiro, Natália Machado Crespo, Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha, Romaric C. Odoulami, Windmanagda Sawadogo, and John Moore: Response of the Southern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Climatology to Climate Intervention with Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, Environ. Res. Climate 3, 035006., 2024.
  • VARA-VELA, Angel Liduvino, Machado Crespo Natália, Vendrasco Éder Paulo, Rojas Benavente Noelia, Morais Marcos Vinicius Bueno de, Martins Jorge Alberto, Phillips Vaughan Trevor James, Gonçalves Fabio Luiz Teixeira, Silva Dias Maria Assunção Faus da.: Bulk cloud microphysical properties as seen from numerical simulation and remote sensing products: case study of a hailstorm event over the La Plata Basin, J. Southern Hemis. Earth Sys. Sci., 74, ES23006,, 2024.
  • ZACHARIAS, Daniel Constantino, Angelo Teixeira Lemos, Panagiota Keramea, Rafaela Cardoso Dantas, Rosmeri Porfirio da Rocha, Natália Machado Crespo, Georgios Sylaios, et al.: Offshore Oil Spills in Brazil: An Extensive Review and Further Development, Marine Pollution Bull., 205,116663,, 2024.
  • RANDRIATSARA, Herijaona Hani-Roge Hundilida – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva. Magnitude of Internal Climate Variability Based on Pre-industrial CMIP6 Models over Central Europe. In: ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ, Jana – PAVLŮ, Jiří. Magnitude of Internal Climate Variability Based on Pre-industrial CMIP6 Models over Central Europe. Matfyzpress: [s.n.], 2023, s. 125–134. ISBN 978–80–7378–503–1.
  • ZACHARIAS, Daniel Constantino – MACHADO CRESPO, Natália – DA SILVA, Natalia Pillar – DA ROCHA, Rosmeri Porfirio – GAMA, Carine Malagolini – SILVA, Sergio B. N. Ribeiro e – HARARI, Joseph. Oil reaching the coast: Is Brazil on the route of international oceanic dumping?. Marine pollution bulletin. 2023, 196(196), 115624. ISSN 0025–326X.
  • RANDRIATSARA, Herijaona Hani-Roge Hundilida – HU, Zhenghua – XU, Xiyan – AYUGI, Brian – SIAN, Kenny Thiam Choy Lim Kam – MUMO, Richard – ONGOMA, Victor – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva. Performance evaluation of CMIP6 HighResMIP models in simulating precipitation over Madagascar. International Journal of Climatology. 2023, 43(12), 5401–5421. ISSN 0899–8418.
  • HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – HALENKA, Tomáš. Hodnocení nejistoty připravovaných scénářů změny klimatu. In: POLCAROVÁ, Eliška – TOLASZ, Radim. První konference PERUN. 1.Praha: Český hydrometeorologický ústav, 2023, s. 34–39. ISBN 978–80–7653–063–8.
  • SIMÕES REBOITA, Michelle – MACHADO CRESPO, Natália – GOZZO, Luiz Felippe. Uma introdução à análise de massas de ar, frentes e ciclones extratropicais na América do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física. 2023, 16(6), 3263–3282. ISSN 1984–2295.
  • HOLEC, Jan – HOLCOVÁ, Katarína – ŽÁK, Michal. Diversity and ecology of macrofungi on large decaying spruce trunks: what has changed after five years?. Sydowia. 2023, 75(July), 23–35. ISSN 0082–0598.
  • SIAN, Kenny T. C. Lim Kam – ZHI, Xiefei – AYUGI, Brian O. – ONYUTHA, Charles – SHILENJE, Zablon Weku – ONGOMA, Victor. Meteorological Drought Variability over Africa from Multisource Datasets. Atmosphere. 2023, 14(6), 1052. ISSN 2073–4433.
  • VERMA, Shruti – BHATLA, R. – SINGH, Praveen Kumar. Understanding the Association of Tropical SST Anomalies on the ISMR During Extreme IOD Events. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2023, 2023(2023), 1–17. ISSN 0033–4553.
  • HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – HALENKA, Tomáš. Scénáře změny klimatu. In: POLCAROVÁ, Eliška – TOLASZ, Radim. První konference PERUN. 1.Praha: Český hydrometeorologický ústav, 2023, s. 27–33. ISBN 978–80–7653–063–8.
  • HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – BELDA, Michal – HALENKA, Tomáš. Projected changes in mean annual cycle of temperature and precipitation over the Czech Republic: Comparison of CMIP5 and CMIP6. Frontiers in Earth Science [online]. 2022, 10(6.10.2022), 143902. ISSN 2296–6463.
  • AYUGI, Brian – SHILENJE, Zablon Weku – BABAOUSMAIL, Hassen – SIAN, Kenny T. C. Lim Kam – MUMO, Richard – DIKE, Victor Nnamdi – IYAKAREMYE, Vedaste – CHEHBOUNI, Abdelghani – ONGOMA, Victor. Projected changes in meteorological drought over East Africa inferred from bias-adjusted CMIP6 models. Natural Hazards. 2022, 113(2), 1151–1176. ISSN 0921–030X.
  • DALOZ, Anne Sophie – SCHWINGSHACKL, Clemens – MOONEY, Priscilla – STRADA, Susanna – RECHID, Diana – DAVIN, Edouard L – KATRAGKOU, Eleni – DE NOBLET-DUCOUDRE, Nathalie – BELDA, Michal – HALENKA, Tomáš – BREIL, Marcus – CARDOSO, Rita M – HOFFMANN, Peter – LIMA, Daniela C. A – MEIER, Ronny – SOARES, Pedro M. M – SOFIADIS, Giannis – STRANDBERG, Gustav – TOELLE, Merja H – LUND, Marianne T. Land-atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX flagship pilot study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 1: Evaluation of the snow-albedo effect. Cryosphere. 2022, 16(6), 2403–2419. ISSN 1994–0416.
  • SHILENJE, Zablon Weku – MALOBA, Scholastica – ONGOMA, Victor. A review on household air pollution and biomass use over Kenya. Frontiers in Environmental Science [online]. 2022, 10(11), 996038. ISSN 2296–665X.
  • LWANGA, Aquila Isere – TSINGALIA, Harrison Mugatsia – AGEVI, Humphrey – SHILENJE, Zablon Weku. Effects of Sand-Harvesting on River Water Quality and Riparian Soil Physico-Chemical Properties. Open Journal of Ecology. 2022, 2022(12), 570–583. ISSN 2162–1985.
  • RANDRIATSARA, Herijaona Hani-Roge Hundilida – HU, Zhenghua – AYUGI, Brian – MAKULA, Exavery Kisesa – VUGUZIGA, Floribert – NKUNZIMANA, Athanase. Interannual characteristics of rainfall over Madagascar and its relationship with the Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variation. Theorectical and Applied Climatology. 2022, 148(1–2), 349–362. ISSN 0177–798X.
  • HALIUC, Aritina – BONK, Alicja – LONGMAN, Jack – HUTCHINSON, Simon M – ŽÁK, Michal – VERES, Daniel. Challenges in Interpreting Geochemical Data: An Appraisal of Analytical Techniques Applied to a Karstic Lake Sediment Record. Water. 2022, 14(5), 806. ISSN 2073–4441.
  • PRANTL, Martin – ŽÁK, Michal – PRANTL, David. Algorithm for detecting cyclone and anticyclone centres from mean sea level pressure layer. Journal of Spatial Science. 2022, 2022(listopad), ISSN 1449–8596.
  • BRAZDIL, Rudolf – DOBROVOLNY, Petr – MIKŠOVSKÝ, Jiří – PIŠOFT, Petr – TRNKA, Miroslav – MOZNY, Martin – BALEK, Jan. Documentary-based climate reconstructions in the Czech Lands 1501–2020 CE and their European context. Climate of the Past. 2022, 18(4), 935–959. ISSN 1814–9324.
  • RANDRIATSARA, Herijaona Hani-Roge Hundilida – HU, Zhenghua – XU, Xiyan – AYUGI, Brian – SIAN, Kenny Thiam Choy Lim Kam – MUMO, Richard – ONGOMA, Victor. Evaluation of gridded precipitation datasets over Madagascar. International Journal of Climatology. 2022, 42(13), 7028–7046. ISSN 0899–8418.
  • SZABÓ, Amanda Imola – BREUER, Hajnalka – ÁCS, Ferenc – BELDA, Michal – FEDDEMA, Johannes. Projected changes in Feddema climate characteristics in the Larger Carpathian Region by the end of the 21st century. International Journal of Climatology. 2022, 42(11), 5732–5747. ISSN 0899–8418.
  • SHILENJE, Zablon Weku – HALENKA, Tomáš. Observed Changes in Surface Air Temperature During 1979–2020 over Central Europe. In: ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ, Jana – PAVLŮ, Jiří. WDS'21 Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics. 1st ed.Praha: Matfyzpress, 2021, s. 85–89. ISBN 978–80–7378–455–3.
  • BCHIR, Amani – M'NASSRI, Soumaia – DHIB, Saoussen – EL AMRI, Asma – MULLA, David. Estimating and mapping evapotranspiration in olive groves of semi-arid Tunisia using empirical formulas and satellite remote sensing. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2021, 14(24), 2717. ISSN 1866–7511.
  • KVĚTOŇ, Vít – ŽÁK, Michal. Výskyt suchých období v pražském Klementinu. Meteorologické zprávy (Meteorological Bulletin.). 2021, 2021(2), 46–55. ISSN 0026–1173.
  • DHIB, Saoussen – HALENKA, Tomáš. Projected Climate Change Indices over Prague Using Dynamically Downscaled CMIP5 Models. In: ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ, Jana – PAVLŮ, Jiří. WDS'21 Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics. 1st ed.Praha: Matfyzpress, 2021, s. 90–97. ISBN 978–80–7378–455–3.
  • JACOB, Daniela – TEICHMANN, Claas – SOBOLOWSKI, Stefan – KATRAGKOU, Eleni – ANDERS, Ivonne – BELDA, Michal – BENESTAD, Rasmus – BOBERG, Fredrik – BUONOMO, Erasmo – CARDOSO, Rita M – CASANUEVA, Ana – CHRISTENSEN, Ole B – CHRISTENSEN, Jens Hesselbjerg – COPPOLA, Erika – DE CRUZ, Lesley – DAVIN, Edouard L – DOBLER, Andreas – DOMINGUEZ, Marta – FEALY, Rowan – FERNANDEZ, Jesus – GAERTNER, Miguel Angel – GARCIA-DIEZ, Markel – GIORGI, Filippo – GOBIET, Andreas – GOERGEN, Klaus – JOSE GOMEZ-NAVARRO, Juan – GONZALEZ ALEMAN, Juan Jesus – GUTIERREZ, Claudia – GUTIERREZ, Jose M – GUTTLER, Ivan – HAENSLER, Andreas – HALENKA, Tomáš – JEREZ, Sonia – JIMENEZ-GUERRERO, Pedro – JONES, Richard G – KEULER, Klaus – KJELLSTROM, Erik – KNIST, Sebastian – KOTLARSKI, Sven – MARAUN, Douglas – VAN MEIJGAARD, Erik – MERCOGLIANO, Paola – PEDRO MONTAVEZ, Juan – NAVARRA, Antonio – NIKULIN, Grigory – DE NOBLET-DUCOUDRE, Nathalie – PANITZ, Hans-Juergen – PFEIFER, Susanne – PIAZZA, Marie – PICHELLI, Emanuela – PIETIKAEINEN, Joni-Pekka – PREIN, Andreas F – PREUSCHMANN, Swantje – RECHID, Diana – ROCKEL, Burkhardt – ROMERA, Raquel – SANCHEZ, Enrique – SIECK, Kevin – SOARES, Pedro M. M – SOMOT, Samuel – SRNEC, Lidija – SORLAND, Silje Lund – TERMONIA, Piet – TRUHETZ, Heimo – VAUTARD, Robert – WARRACH-SAGI, Kirsten – WULFMEYER, Volker. Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectives from the EURO-CORDEX community. Regional Environmental Change. 2020, 20(2), 51. ISSN 1436–3798.
  • HALIUC, Aritina – BUCZKO, Krisztina – HUTCHINSON, Simon M – ACS, Eva – MAGYARI, Eniko K – KORPONAI, Janos – BEGY, Robert-Csaba – VASILACHE, Daniela – ŽÁK, Michal – VERES, Daniel. Climate and land-use as the main drivers of recent environmental change in a mid altitude mountain lake, Romanian Carpathians. PLoS One. 2020, 15(10), e0239209. ISSN 1932–6203.
  • COPPOLA, Erika – SOBOLOWSKI, Stefan – PICHELLI, E – RAFFAELE, F – AHRENS, B – ANDERS, I – BAN, N – BASTIN, S – BELDA, Michal – BELUSIC, D – CALDAS-ALVAREZ, A – CARDOSO, R. M – DAVOLIO, S – DOBLER, A – FERNANDEZ, J – FITA, L – FUMIERE, Q – GIORGI, F – GOERGEN, K – GUTTLER, I – HALENKA, Tomáš – HEINZELLER, D – HODNEBROG, O – JACOB, D – KARTSIOS, S – KATRAGKOU, E – KENDON, E – KHODAYAR, S – KUNSTMANN, H – KNIST, S – LAVIN-GULLON, A – LIND, P – LORENZ, T – MARAUN, D – MARELLE, L – VAN MEIJGAARD, E – MILOVAC, J – MYHRE, G – PANITZ, H-J – PIAZZA, M – RAFFA, M – RAUB, T – ROCKEL, B – SCHAER, C – SIECK, K – SOARES, P. M. M – SOMOT, S – SRNEC, L – STOCCHI, P – TOELLE, M. H – TRUHETZ, H – VAUTARD, R – DE VRIES, H – WARRACH-SAGI, K. A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean. Climate Dynamics. 2020, 55(1–2), 3–34. ISSN 0930–7575.
  • ŽÁK, Michal – NITA, Ion-Andrei – DUMITRESCU, Alexandru – CHEVAL, Sorin. Influence of synoptic scale atmospheric circulation on the development of urban heat island in Prague and Bucharest. Urban Climate. 2020, 34(prosinec), 100681. ISSN 2212–0955.
  • HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – MENDLIK, Thomas – KOLACEK, Jan – HOROVA, Ivanka – MIKŠOVSKÝ, Jiří. Similarities within a multi-model ensemble: functional data analysis framework. Geoscientific Model Development. 2019, 12(2), 735–747. ISSN 1991–959X.
  • MIKŠOVSKÝ, Jiří – BRAZDIL, Rudolf – TRNKA, Miroslav – PIŠOFT, Petr. Long-term variability of drought indices in the Czech Lands and effects of external forcings and large-scale climate variability modes. Climate of the Past. 2019, 15(2), 827–847. ISSN 1814–9324.
  • HALENKA, Tomáš – BELDA, Michal – HUSZÁR, Peter – KARLICKÝ, Jan – NOVÁKOVÁ, Tereza – ŽÁK, Michal. On the comparison of urban canopy effects parameterisation. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 2019, 65(1–3), 177–194. ISSN 0957–4352.
  • CRHOVÁ, Lenka – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva. Temperature and precipitation variability in regional climate models and driving global climate models: Total variance and its temporal-scale components. International Journal of Climatology. 2019, 39(3), 1276–1286. ISSN 0899–8418.
  • CRHOVÁ, Lenka – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – KALVOVÁ, Jaroslava – FARDA, Ales. Changes in air temperature means and interannual variability over Europe in simulations by ALADIN-Climate/CZ: dependence on the size of the integration domain. Theorectical and Applied Climatology. 2018, 131(1–2), 363–376. ISSN 0177–798X.
  • CRHOVÁ, Lenka – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva. Simulated relationship between air temperature and precipitation over Europe: sensitivity to the choice of RCM and GCM. International Journal of Climatology. 2018, 38(3), 1595–1604. ISSN 0899–8418.
  • HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – VALERIÁNOVÁ, Anna – CRHOVÁ, Lenka. Doba trvání vegetačního období v letech 1951–2010 v České republice. Meteorologické zprávy (Meteorological Bulletin.). 2018, 71(2), 39–44. ISSN 0026–1173.
  • BRÁZDIL, Rudolf – MIKŠOVSKÝ, Jiří – STEPANEK, Petr – ZAHRADNICEK, Pavel – REZNICKOVA, Ladislava – DOBROVOLNY, Petr. Forcings and projections of past and future wind speed over the Czech Republic. Climate Research. 2018, 77(1), 1–21. ISSN 0936–577X.
  • VALERIÁNOVÁ, Anna – CRHOVÁ, Lenka – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – KAŠPAR, Marek – MÜLLER, Miloslav – PECHO, Jozef. High temperature extremes in the Czech Republic 1961–2010 and their synoptic variants. Theorectical and Applied Climatology. 2017, 127(1–2), 17–29. ISSN 0177–798X.
  • KAŠPAR, Marek – MÜLLER, Miloslav – CRHOVÁ, Lenka – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – POLÁŠEK, Jan Ferdinand – POP, Lukáš – VALERIÁNOVÁ, Anna. Relationship between Czech windstorms and air temperature. International Journal of Climatology. 2017, 37(1), 11–24. ISSN 0899–8418.
  • TRNKA, Miroslav – BRÁZDIL, Rudolf – VIZINA, Adam – DOBROVOLNÝ, Petr – MIKŠOVSKÝ, Jiří – ŠTĚPÁNEK, Petr – HLAVINKA, Petr – ŘEZNÍČKOVÁ, Ladislava – ŽALUD, Zdeněk. Droughts and Drought Management in the Czech Republic in a Changing Climate. In: WILHITE, Donald A. – PULWARTY, Roger S.. Drought and water crises : integrating science, management, and policy. 2nd ed. Boca Raton (US): CRC Press, 2017, s. 461–480. ISBN 978–1–138–03564–5.
  • BELDA, Michal – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – HALENKA, Tomáš – KALVOVÁ, Jaroslava. Pozorované a simulované rozložení klimatických typů podle Köppenovy-Trewarthovy klasifikace. Meteorologické zprávy (Meteorological Bulletin.). 2017, 70(1), 8–13. ISSN 0026–1173.
  • ŽÁK, Michal – POKORNÝ, Michal. Satellite retrieval of severe storms based on the cloud microphysical profile over central Europe, Idöjärás. Idojaras. 2017, 121(3), 209–241. ISSN 0324–6329.
  • HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – MIKŠOVSKÝ, Jiří. Spread of regional climate model projections: vertical structure and temporal evolution. International Journal of Climatology. 2016, 36(15), 4942–4948. ISSN 0899–8418.
  • KVĚTOŇ, Vít – HABERLE, Jan – ŽÁK, Michal. New indicator for classification of agroclimatic conditions for the cultivation of catch crops. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2016, 63(2), 1–11. ISSN 0365–0340.
  • MIKŠOVSKÝ, Jiří – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – PIŠOFT, Petr. Imprints of climate forcings in global gridded temperature data. Earth System Dynamics. 2016, 2016(7), 231–249. ISSN 2190–4979.
  • BELDA, Michal – HOLTANOVÁ, Eva – KALVOVÁ, Jaroslava – HALENKA, Tomáš. Global warming-induced changes in climate zones based on CMIP5 projections. Climate Research. 2016, 71(1), 17–31. ISSN 0936–577X.
  • CRHOVÁ, Lenka – PECHO, Jozef – VALERIÁNOVÁ, Anna. Mimořádně teplé a suché léto 2015 v České republice. Meteorologické zprávy (Meteorological Bulletin.). 2016, 69(1), 10–15. ISSN 0026–1173.

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Atmospheric Physics

V Holešovičkách 747/2, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance