Current projects

The Department of atmospheric physics is currently involved in a number of national and internation projects of the Czech Grant Agency, Czech Technological Agency, Operational Programms of EU and other EU Funders.

Project OP JAK Georisks
The main research goal of the Natural and anthropogenic georisks project is the knowledge of natural and human-caused threats and risks in the upper spheres of the planet Earth, the explanation of their causes and the quantification of possible impacts on human society and infrastructure. The result of the project should be not only a fundamental understanding of the functioning mechanisms of these processes, but also a proposal for their more precise monitoring, possible minimization of their effects and prediction, including mitigation of their negative effects.
Project title: Natural and anthropogenic georisks
Funder: Czech Ministry of Sport and Education (via OP JAK)
Project no.: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004605
Duration: 4/2024 – 6/2028
Investigator for the department: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc.
Project EU Horizon Europe: FOCI
Project FOCI aims to assess the impacts of key radiative forcers on the climate system and understanding the processes behind where and how they arise, to find and test an efficient implementation of these processes into global Earth System Models (ESMs) and Regional Climate Models (RCMs) and to use these tools to investigate mitigation and/or adaptation policies incorporated in selected scenarios of future development, targeting specific regions in the world. Further it targets the development of new, regionally-tuned scenarios based on improved emissions estimates to assess the effects of non-CO2 forcers including mutual interactions between the results, climate services producers, and other end-users will provide feedbacks for the preparation of specific scenarios and potential application to support decision making and climate policy.
Project title: Non-CO2 Forcers and their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts (FOCI)
Funder: European Union
Project no.: 101056783
Duration: 09/2022 – 08/2026
Investigator for the department: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc.
The PERUN project focuses on the research of climatic extremes, drought and the consequences of climate change in the Czech Republic. The project is guaranteed by the Czech Ministry of the Environment and carried out by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), the Czech Geological Survey, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and Faculty of Science of the Charles University, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CzechGlobe, TG Masaryk Water Research Institute and PROGEO Ltd.
Project title: Prediction, Evaluation and Research for Understanding National sensitivity and impacts of drought and climate change for Czechia
Funder: Technology Agency Czech Republic as part of the Program Environment for Life.
Project no.: SS02030040
Duration: 07/2020 – 06/2026
Investigator for the department: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc.
The project primarily concentrates on development, update and creation of tools, methodologies and processes for the assessment of air quality. It also deals with emissions of standard pollutants, as well as greenhouse gases including their projections and quantification of impacts on health of the public and ecosystems, energy consumption, economy and other aspects of living. The aim of the project is to contribute towards improvement of the environment, especially air quality in the Czech Republic, by implementation of the project results.
Project title: Air Quality Research Assessment and Monitoring Integrated System (ARAMIS)
Funder: Technology Agency Czech Republic as part of the Program Environment for Life.
Project no.: SS02030031
Duration: 07/2020 – 12/2026
Investigator for the department: doc. Mgr. Peter Huszár, Ph.D.
Project JUNIOR STAR Gravity Waves
In the framework of the presented research project, the most modern high-resolution atmospheric data sets and top theoretical methods for the detection of internal gravity waves (VGV) and the diagnosis of their interaction with the background will be used. The aim is to review and expand our knowledge of the influence of VGV on the dynamics and composition of the atmosphere and on the coupling between atmospheric layers. VGVs exist in the atmosphere at various scales, but usually a significant part of their spectrum remains unrecognized in global forecast or climate models, and their impacts therefore need to be parameterized. Until now, our knowledge of the impacts of VGV on a whole range of processes from weather manifestations to long-term climate evolution has been based on their largely parameterized effects. Analysis of simulations capable of fully resolving VGVs will allow a more accurate understanding of dynamical processes in the atmosphere, and will also help assess the realism of current parameterizations of VGVs by suggesting to what extent their parameterized effects in models are artificial. Based on this, we will be able to adjust the VGV parameterizations and achieve more accurate predictions of the future climate.
Project title: Unravelling climate impacts of atmospheric internal gravity waves
Funder: Czech Grant Agency
Project no.: 23–04921M
Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2027
Investigator for the department: RNDr. Petr Šácha, Ph.D.
Project EU Horizon Europe I4C
Despite the increased awareness surrounding the climate crisis, there is still an information gap regarding the time scales at which action must be taken in order to avert the worst impacts of global warming. Cities across the globe are currently facing many negative impacts due to climate change, namely extreme weather events and their aftereffects. This poses many risks as the extreme weather events combined with as densely populated areas can result in catastrophic population loss. Urban decision-making requires tailored science-based climate information and services at the local scale to support adaptation and planning efforts to deal with climate change impacts. In line with the EU’s Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change for a „climate prepared and resilient Europe“ by 2030, I4C aims to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of near-term climate information and services at local to regional scales.
Project title: Impetus4Change (I4C)
Funder: European Union
Project no.: 101081555
Duration: 11/2022 – 10/2026
Investigator for the department: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc.
Project SEEPIA
The project Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA) aims to establish an interdisciplinary research center, providing long-term expert capacity for socioeconomic environmental research. The center will develop methods for policy impact evaluation, foresight, and behavioral research and provide support to the MoE and public authorities in policy-making elaborating on the European Green Deal (GD) based on the research of current and expected impacts on the environment, the economy and society. The Center consists of 12 research institutions and universities with broad expertise.
Project title: Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA)
Funder: Technology Agency Czech Republic as part of the Program Environment for Life
Project no.: SS04030013
Duration: 05/2021 – 12/2026
Investigator for the department: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc.
Project GACR Coherent structures
It is well known that organized structures developed in the surface layer above a smooth and slightly rough surface play an essential role in scalar transport. However, the role of these structures, especially the role of their dynamics, for scalar transport within a complex topography, such as an urban area, has not yet been sufficiently explored. This project aims to verify whether and to what extent the structures developed inside and above the urban canopy affect scalar transport and dispersion. We will use the principles of physical modelling in a wind tunnel, large eddy simulations (LES) and direct numerical simulations (DNS) to fulfil the goal. To analyze the relationship between the dynamics of flow structures and the scalar, we will exploit the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) method. We will study the influence of urban three-dimensionality on the three-dimensionality of the flow and scalar structures. The results of the project will contribute to a better understanding of scalar dispersion in urban area and to the improvement of LES models.
Project title: Role dynamiky koherentních struktur na přenos a rozptyl skaláru v městském baldachýnu
Funder: Czech Grant Agency
Project number: 22–14608S
Duration: 01/2022 – 12/2024
Investigator for the department: Mgr. Vladimír Fuka, Ph.D.
Project CAMS Global and Regional Emissions
The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is part of the Copernicus programme providing information on air quality and health, solar energy, greenhouse gases and climate forcing on the global scale. Global and Regional Emission project provides emission datasets of gases and aerosols that are released to the atmosphere from the Earth’s surface, both from anthropogenic and natural sources, on regional as well as global level. Emission inventories then serve as inputs to the atmospheric chemical transport and climate models. The Deptsrtment of Atmospheric Physics is responsible for development of the emission dataset of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) emitted from the Earth’s vegetation. The main product is CAMS-GLOB-BIO, a global gridded dataset that includes monthly mean emission data since 2000 for 25 different BVOC species or chemical groups.
Project title: Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) – Global and Regional Emissions
Funder: CAMS is implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on behalf of the European Commission
Project no.: CAMS2_61
Duration: 06/2022 – 10/2025
Investigator for the department: RNDr. Kateřina Šindelářová, Ph.D.
Project CAMS EvOlution
The CAMEO (CAMS EvOlution) is a research project funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe program. It supports the CAMS project by enhancing the quality and efficiency of the CAMS service and products. The CAMEO prepares CAMS to uptake the upcoming satellite data, advance the current data assimilation and inversion systems inside the global and reginal production systems of CAMS and develop methods to provide uncertainty estimates of CAMS products. The main task of the Dept. of Atmospheric Physics in the CAMEO project is estimation of uncertainty of the CAMS-GLOB-BIO isoprene emissions. Within the project we will produce global gridded data files where each grid cell will be assigned with the mean, upper and lower isoprene estimates which will represent the uncertainty of the product. The isoprene uncertainty will be estimated based on the uncertainty of the main factors driving the emissions such as meteorology, leaf area index and emission factor. The isoprene uncertainty will be used within CAMEO and CAMS as an input information for the inversion system which will use the TROPOMI observations of formaldehyde to constrain the isoprene emissions.
Project title: CAMS EvOlution (CAMEO)
Funder: Horizon Europe
Project no.: 101082125
Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2025
Investigator for the department: RNDr. Kateřina Šindelářová, Ph.D.

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Atmospheric Physics

V Holešovičkách 747/2, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance