The German-Czech Workshop on Nanomaterials is a traditional event organized with an ambition to promote and strengthen the mutual cooperation between the Czech and German research teams working in the fields related to the cluster and nanoparticle growth, development of aggregation sources and related sputtering processes, and applications of nanomaterials. Previous editions took place in Sankt Peter-Ording (2012), Prague (2014), Lübeck (2016), České Budějovice (2018) and Dresden (virtual meeting in 2020). The 6th edition will be hosted in Prague 10-11 June 2024 by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University.

The two-day workshop will keep on with the comfortable format of previous editions, with a limited number of talks, no parallel sessions, and plenty of time for stimulating discussions and possible networking in a friendly atmosphere. In addition, there will be no conference fee.

Please note, that the participation on the 6th DE-CZ nanoworkshop is on invitation only. If you are interested in participating, please contact the workshop secretary – Jan.Hanus@matfyz.cuni.cz. 

Important Dates:

  • 03.05.2024        Abstract submission and registration deadline (abstract template may be downloaded here)
  • 10.06.2024        Workshop opening

Local Organizing Committee and Contacts :


Z. Hubicka

Zdeněk Hubička - Co-Chair of the workshop

Institute of Physics

Czech Academy of Sciences


Czech Republic

e-mail: hubicka@fzu.cz


Z. Hubicka

Ondřej Kylián - Co-Chair of the workshop

Charles University

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


Czech Republic

e-mail: Ondrej.Kylian@matfyz.cuni.cz


Z. Hubicka

Jan Hanuš – secretary of the workshop

Charles University

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


Czech Republic

e-mail: Jan.Hanus@matfyz.cuni.cz

International Organizing Committee         

  • Hynek Biederman (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Ondřej Kylián (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Franz Faupel (Kiel, Germany)
  • Holger Kersten (Kiel, Germany)
  • Zdeněk Hubička (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Thomas Strunskus (Kiel, Germany)
  • Volker Brüser (Greifswald, Germany)
  • Vitezslav Stranak (Budweis, Czech Republic)

A book of abstracts may be downloaded here.


Monday 10th of June                   

 9:30-10:00       OPENING        

chair: F. Faupel     

10:00-10:20      H. Biederman   Development of gas aggregation sources and their optimization

10:20-10:40      R. Hippler           Dimer formation in a pulsed magnetron discharge

10:40-11:00      P. Solař                 Speed and landing of nanoparticles from gas aggregation source

11:00-11:20      P. Čurda               Electrostatic impact energy control and manipulation of gas aggregated nanoparticles

11:20-11:40      J. Čapek               Controlled sputter deposition of oxide nanoparticles-based composite thin films

11:40-12:00      B. Adejube         Investigation of Current Pathways in Self-Organized Nanoparticle Arrangements


12:00-13:30      LUNCH BREAK  

chair: R. Hippler                            

13:30-13:50      T. Strunskus       Metal-Polymer nanocomposite thin films for biomedical applications prepared via iCVD and GAS

13:50-14:10      J. Kousal              Plasma-asssisted vapour thermal deposition: from batch shots to controlled optical films

14:10-14:30      V. Straňák           The role of charged carriers in ITO semiconductor film for improved dual-domain sensing

14:30-14:50      M. Novotný       Magnetron sputtering of black metals thin films


14:50-15:20      COFFEE BREAK 

chair: H. Biederman

15:20-15:40      M. Dworschak   Surface passivation of silicon nanoparticles monitored by in situ FTIR spectroscopy

15:40-16:00      M. Müller           Tungsten nanoparticles generated in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet

16:00-16:20      M. Čada               Plasma Jet Deposition of Nanostructured Mixed Nickel Oxide Catalysts for VOC oxidation

16:20-16:40      K.A. Reck             Early-Stage Growth of Silver on Polystyrene deposited by DCMS, HiPIMS and Bi-Polar HiPIMS

16:40-17:00      F. Faupel              Ways out of the climate and sustainability crisis – what is opinion, what is knowledge, do we have the power to change something?


17:00-18:00      Optional LAB TOUR Institute of Physics


 Tuesday 11th of June                

chair: M. Čada 

9:40-10:00         D. Zhang              Applying enhanced optical microscopy to study the morphology-related material property at nm-scale

10:00-10:20      J. Dostálek          Plasmonic Nanostructures for Affinity Biosensor and Actuating

10:20-10:40      M. Protsak          Tuning plasmonics of ZrN nanoparticles via in-flight SiN overcoating

10:40-11:00      K. Biliak               Exploring Ni, Fe, and FexNy Ferrofluids Synthesized via Gas Aggregation Cluster Source Method

11:00-11:20      T. Tjardts             Innovative Approaches on Fabrication of Defective TiO2 for Photocatalytic Applications

11:20-11:40      S. Kumar              Functionalized Ag/C:H:N:O nanocomposite for LSPR detection of the Lyme Disease pathogen, Borrelia afzelii

11:40-12:00      CLOSING            


14:00-16:00      Optional LAB TOUR Charles University

Confirmed participants          

  • Franz Faupel (Kiel, Germany)
  • Pavel Čurda (Budweis, Czech Republic)
  • Jiří Čapek (Plzeň, Czech Republic)
  • Hynek Biederman (Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Martin Čada (Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Mariia Protsak (Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Thomas Strunskus (Kiel, Germany)
  • Martin Müller (Kiel, Germany) 
  • Rainer Hippler (Greifswald, Germany)
  • Jaroslav Kousal (Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Jakub Dostálek (Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Dai Zhang (Tübingen, Germany)
  • Sanjay Kumar (Budweis, Czech Republic)
  • Maren Dworschak (Kiel, Germany)
  • Pavel Solař (Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Kateryna Biliak (Praha, Czech Republic)
  • Vitězslav Straňák (Budweis, Czech Republic)
  • Kristian A. Reck (Kiel, Germany)  


The 6th German-Czech Workshop on Nanomaterials will take place at the new building of the Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences. The workshop venue can be easily reached by metro line “C” (“red” line) – station “Ládví”.


Pod Vodárenskou věží 1

Prague 8

Czech Republic
