Computational mathematics

Characteristics of the field

The field of numerical and computational mathematics deals with the development, analysis, algorithmization and implementation of methods for processing mathematical models using computer technology. It thus realizes the transition from theoretical mathematics to practically applicable results. Emphasis is also placed on creative work with computers and creating application software. An integral part of the study is the verification of the given methods. The study naturally follows on from the bachelor's program General Mathematics, specialization Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. The master’s study program is designed in such a way that it allows students who have completed a bachelor's degree in mathematics in a different field or at another university to study, with the understanding that the students must fill in the missing knowledge. Students will first learn about modern methods for solving partial differential equations, the finite element method, linear and non-linear functional analysis and matrix computation methods. Later, students choose from a variety of elective courses, mainly according to the type of diploma thesis.

Expertise of graduates

A graduate of the field of Numerical and Computational Mathematics has knowledge aimed at the numerical solution of practical tasks, starting with the design of discretization, numerical analysis, up to the actual implementation on computers and verification of results. For these tasks, they can design or select a suitable numerical method, carry out its numerical analysis and computer implementation, including the analysis of computational errors. Graduates can critically analyze the entire process of numerical solution, from the design of the method to their own numerical solution, evaluate and fine-tune its individual parts to form a mutually balanced whole. They can also assess how close the results of numerical calculations are to reality. Graduates are capable of an analytical approach to solving general problems and proposing their solutions based on thorough and rigorous argumentation. They have sufficient qualifications both for doctoral studies at domestic and foreign universities and for practical application, especially in industry, basic and applied research or public administration.

Detailed information

Details regarding entry requirements, study plans and the recommended course of study are contained in the Study Guide.


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, School of Mathematics
Sokolovská 49/83, 186 75 Praha 8, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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