Guest rooms

In order to use the Wi-Fi (EDUROAM), you must be registered on the EDUROAM network (which must be done at the guest's home university).

To use the network sockets (or Wi-Fi without registering with EDUROAM), the laptop must be registered. To register, you need to know the MAC address of the laptop. To register, you need to contact the administration of the Karlin network (Jaroslav Richter, Martin Trčka, Oldřich Ulrych).

floor room Wi-Fi available network sockets
1. 101 yes D4.102A, D4.103A
1. 111 yes D4.100A
1. 112 yes D4.101A
2. 205 yes D2.14A, D2.15A
2. 207 yes D2.16A, D2.17A
3. 304 yes D1.58A

Numbers of telephone lines in the Karlín building (guest rooms and offices, doctoral students' rooms)

Guest rooms:

floor apartment, door number room, door number phone line
1.  studio apartment, 107 103 3123
1.  apartment, 114 111+109 3121
    112 3122
2.   207 3127
2.   205 3126
3. studio apartment, 306 304 3317

Doctoral students' rooms:

floor department office number phone line
4. KNM, KA K 490 3377
4. MÚUK K 489 3380
4. KMA K 488 3382
4. KPMS K 487 3383
4. KPMS K 486 3385

Guest offices:

floor office number phone line
4. K 409 3345

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, School of Mathematics
Sokolovská 49/83, 186 75 Praha 8, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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