Using TeX (without installation):
- Copy the G:\install\MikTeX 2.7 directories to C:\Program files or C:\Program files (x86)
- From ..\MikTeX 2.7\miktex\bin\ run mo.exe
- In the [roots] tab add (with the [Add] button) as TeX tree G:\texlive\2012\texmf-dist, then the databases will be automatically regenerated
- Install TeXnicCenter and run
- In TeXnicCenter, fill in "g:\texlive\2012\bin\win32" as Distribution directory
- In TeXnicCenter fill in "c:\Program Files\MikTeX 2.7\bin\yap.exe" as DVI - Viewer
- If you want to use TeXMaker, then you need to add "g:\texlive\2012\bin\win32" to the PATH system variable