University center for mathematical modeling, applied analysis and computational mathematics

Ieva Daužickaité

ORCID 0000-0002-1285-1764


2022 - present, Postdoctoral researcher, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2018 - 2022, PhD studies in Applied Mathematics, University of Reading, UK
2017 - 2018, MRes studies in Mathematics of Planet Earth, Imperial College London and University of Reading, UK
2012 - 2016, BSc studies in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Vilnius University, Lithuania


- Randomized numerical linear algebra. Randomized methods can be used to compute various matrix approximations, which are then employed to, for example, accelerate the solution of linear systems of equations. I am interested in the behaviour of these methods in finite precision arithmetic.

- Mixed precision computations. A balance between computing a solution of a high enough accuracy while achieving high performance can be obtained via a mixed precision approach. I work on finite precision analysis, which allows identifying how this approach can be used in various algorithms in numerical linear algebra.


Josef Málek (
project head

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Mathematical Institute
Sokolovská 49/83, 186 75 Praha 8, Czech Republic

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance