University center for mathematical modeling, applied analysis and computational mathematics

Jan Blechta

ORCID 0000-0001-8978-4187



2019 -- Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – doctoral degree in Mathematical Modelling, advisor Josef Málek
2017–2023 -- research fellow and teaching assistant at Chemnitz University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics, working group of Numerical mathematics
October 2020 – September 2021 -- 50% parental leave
since 2023 -- assistant professor at Mathematical Institute of Charles University


2013–2017 -- team member of ERC-CZ LL1202 project MORE “Implicitly constituted material models: from theory through model reduction to efficient numerical methods”
2015–2021 -- external collaborator of ERC Consolidator Grant GATIPOR “Guaranteed fully adaptive algorithms with tailored inexact solvers for complex porous media flows”
2017–2021 -- team member of GEOSax “Geophysikalische Explorationsmethoden zur Erkundung von Erzvorkommen im Erzgebirge/Sachsen”


2013–2017 - modelling of float glass forming, in cooperation with Glass Service
2021 - electromagnetic exploration of ground water infiltration in the Berezniki potash mining area, in cooperation with TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Uralkali, and Perm State University

Governance and editorial

2016–2018 member of the FEniCS Project Steering Council


winter semester 2023/2024 - Computer Solution of Continuum Physics Problems II
winter semester 2023/2024 - exercises Fundamentals of Numerical Mathematics
summer semester 2023 - Computer Solution of Physics Problems
summer semester 2023 - exercise Linear Algebra exercise for physicists
summer semester 2023 - exercise Linear Algebra exercise for mathematicians
winter semester 2022/2023 - class Numerical ODEs
winter semester 2021/2022 - exercise for Numerical Linear Algebra
winter semester 2021/2022 - exercise for Optimization with PDEs
summer semester 2021 - exercise for Numerical PDEs
2018 - lecturing FEniCS hands-on classes on Chemnitz University of Technology jointly with Roland Herzog; available lecture material
2018 - co-mentoring successful GSoC project by Igor Baratta and GSoC project by Fabian Löschner
2017 - co-mentoring successful GSoC project by Michal Habera
2012-2016 - participation on tutorials for class NMMO402 Thermodynamics and Mechanics of Non-Newtonian Fluids
2015 - lecturing FEniCS hands-on (five morning sessions, jointly with Jaroslav Hron, organized by Charles University Chapter of SIAM)


finite element method
scientific software


Josef Málek (
project head

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Mathematical Institute
Sokolovská 49/83, 186 75 Praha 8, Czech Republic

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance