Polish Mathematical Society Awards a Graduate from Matfyz

September 19, 2024

Dr. Dalimil Peša, a graduate of the Department of Mathematical Analysis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics CUNI, has been honoured by the Polish Mathematical Society. He is the first Czech recipient of the International Stefan Banach Prize, which he received at the Ninth Forum of Polish Mathematicians in Katowice. Dr. Peša was recognized for his dissertation focusing on function spaces.

RNDr. Dalimil Peša, Ph.D. (third from the left) at the Forum of Polish Mathematicians in Katowice (photo: Matylda Klos).

The International Stefan Banach Prize has been awarded by the Polish Mathematical Society since 2009 to doctoral students from Central and Eastern Europe. Named after the founder of functional analysis, the prize is given to authors of exceptional dissertations. To date, nineteen young researchers from Poland, Slovenia, and Hungary have received the award. In mid-September, the first Czech representative was added to this list.

Dr. Dalimil Peša’s research focuses on mathematical analysis, particularly the study of function spaces. “Unfortunately, a function space is quite an abstract concept, which is hard to explain without referencing to more advanced mathematical knowledge. Essentially, it is a space where each individual point is actually a function,” explains the award-winning graduate. He has been working on function spaces since his undergraduate studies under the guidance of prof. Luboš Pick.

As a part of his dissertation, which he defended at CUNI MFF this past March, Dr. Peša managed to detail and develop a comprehensive theory for a specific class of spaces. “These are the so-called Lorentz-Karamata spaces. These spaces were introduced at the beginning of the 21st century and have recently appeared in various areas of mathematics (for example, in interpolation theory), but until now, no comprehensive theory covering them existed,” says Dr. Peša. His award-winning work provides the first thorough study of the properties of these spaces and approaches them more generally than some earlier works. In the process, he also managed to solve several interesting open problems.

Since August of this year, Dalimil Peša has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Chemnitz. “Currently, I am mainly trying to use the new environment to broaden my horizons, so I can work on a wider range of problems in the future. However, I have not abandoned my previous topics, especially since there are still many interesting open problems in the abstract theory of function spaces,” the young mathematician notes.



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