Instructions for Applicants to initiate the Granting procedure of Full Professorship


1) Basic information

The Granting procedure of Full Professorship is regulated by Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions, Code of Procedure for the Granting of Associate Professorship and Full Professorship of Charles University and Regulations for the Associate Professorship and Full Professorship and Rules For The Granting Of Associate Professorship And Full Professorship At The Faculty and Rector's Directive N. 20/2023.


2) Accredited fields for the Associate and Full Professorship procedures at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


3) Profile of Full Professor at the MFF UK in the field of science, teaching and service to the academic community

A Full Professor is an internationally recognized personality, both for her/his research and for educational activities.

Research: The applicant has a distinguished research programme with international recognition supported by letters written by distinguished experts in her/his research field. She/he has become a key and influential personality of the relevant Department. She/he has authored a number of highly cited publications relevant to her/his research programme. She/he has been recognized by the research community, for example by being an invited or plenary speaker and member of programme and steering committees at renowned international conferences. The distinguished position of the applicant will also be documented by authoring invited surveys, reviews, books or monographs. The applicant takes part in important national and international projects.

Teaching: The applicant has a leadership position in teaching and guarantees the quality of the education programmes in her/his research field, which she/he has created and/or substantially modified, effectively establishing a new “school of research.” His/her former undergraduate and graduate students are expected to be successful both inside and outside academia.

Service: The applicant assumes important roles in serving the international academic community (such as being an editor of a research journal, or as an organizer or other key role at important conferences). She/he plays an essential part in committees and the administrative and service activities of her/his Department and fulfils the role of mentor to her/his younger colleagues.


4) Recommended aspects of evaluation for the Associate and Full Professorship procedures at Charles University

To obtain the title of Full Professor in certain fields, the faculty will recommend applicants who meet the Recommended Aspects of evaluation for the Full Professorship procedures at Charles University.


5) List of required documents for initiating the procedures for the granting of the Full Professorship

Due to the participation of foreign experts in the Commission, it is recommended to submit the required documents in English.

All documents must be printed, signed by hand and dated (except for diplomas).

  1. consent for Charles University to process personal data
  2. An application
    • The application must include full name of an accredited field (e.g. Physics – Didactics of Physics) for the granting procedure of Associate Professorship (Habilitation), a list of accredited fields is available here
  3. Verified copies of diplomas for the completion of Master’s and PhD education/ Doctorate degree in the same field of study as the Habilitation (ideally in form A4)
    • Notarial certification
  4. Academic CV
    • Includes the Title of the diploma, rigorosum and dissertation thesis and names of thesis supervisors
    • Includes a summary of teaching and the number of students supervised and defended
    • Includes the roles in grants (principal investigator, co-investigator, member of the research team)
    • Includes participation in invited lectures, plenary lectures, etc.
    • Includes the title of the Habilitation dissertation and the year of obtaining the title „doc.“
    • Includes the ORCID number
  5. Proof of work experience (for the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University employees, this statement is issued by faculty personnel department)
  6. Include a brief statement on teaching contribution to the development of the field, innovations in teaching and perceptions/views of applicant’s further work in the given field
  7. Complete transcript of pedagogical activities for last five years – signed (indicate only carried out activities)
    • Includes a list of currently supervised students in Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD study programs and the year of their enrollment
    • Includes a list of students in Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD study programs led by the applicant and the academic year in which these students graduated
  8. The candidate's annotated selection of the five most important works and their contribution to the field (the full text of the publications should not be included in the document)
    • The candidate shall attach to the application printed articles (at least 5), monographs, textbooks, teaching texts, etc., which will be submitted to the members of the Scientific Board of the MFF UK for review during the candidate's lecture before the Scientific Board of the MFF UK.
  9. List of publications with impact factor for periodicals where it exists – signed
    • Applicants are asked to follow the order of publications according to the list
    • For the accredited fields “Didactics and History of Mathematics and Computer Science” and “Physics – Didactics of Physics”, applicants follow the recommended aspects and requirements for applicants regulated by the Dean’s Directive no. 2/2020
  10. Citation index of the applicant’s work listed in WOS, SCOPUS databases, or other verifiable citations
    • The applicant will provide annotated selection at least 5 of his/hers best publications and a list of citations for each of them. The minimum amount is 20 citations for the field of Physics, a minimum 15 citations for Computer Science and Mathematics
    • For the accredited fields “Didactics and History of Mathematics and Computer Science” and “Physics – Didactics of Physics”, applicants follow the recommended aspects and requirements regulated by Dean’s Directive no. 2/2020
  11. Copies of relevant WOS pages
    • The list is created on the Web of Science website, via Create Citation Report. The applicant will provide a complete version of the list with a line graph
  12. Materials for evaluation
    • International experiences – An overview of stays abroad longer than 1 month in total. May include study abroad or internships with the dates and duration of stay, participation in conferences is not to be included.
    • If applicant has not completed any international stays, state that in place of international experience.
    • Training/Supervision of scientific workers (postdoc etc.)
    • Grant and research tasks and results – Include a list of significant grants and briefly describe results.
  13. At least two written opinions of professors of the same or related field

All applicants are asked to examine point 6 below. “Process related to the procedures for the granting of Full Professorship”, including the link.

The documents, together with the assessment of compliance with the criteria, will be checked by a designated Vice-Dean.

In the decision-making process, the Scientific Board has at least one copy of each document that was used by the Commission.

The applicant has the right to submit to the Scientific Board any additional documents in printed form at the Habilitation lecture if they are relevant for the comprehensive assessment of the applicant’s personality and her/his work.


6) Procedure for the appointment of a Full Professorship

Since 5th October 2017, the granting procedure of Full Professorship at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University have been conducted with the support of the CHRES application.


7) Recommendations to Habilitation lectures and Full Professorship lectures


8) Fees for the granting of Associate Professorship and the Full Professorship procedure



The page content responsibility: Research and International Affairs Department.

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

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