Prof. RNDr. Kristián Máthis, DrSc.
phone: (+420) 95155 1458 e-mail: room: F138 address: Ke Karlovu 5, Prague 2, 121 16 position: Head of the Department |
2017 Doctor of Science (DSc.), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Thesis: In-situ investigation of deformation mechanisms in magnesium alloys and composites
2013 Habilitation in Solid State Physics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2004 PhD in Physics (Materials and Solid State Physics). Supervisor: Prof. János Lendvai, Thesis: Deformation mechanisms of magnesium-based alloys
Faculty of Science/ Department of Materials Physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
2003 PhD in Solid State Physics and Materials Science. Supervisor: Prof. Zuzanka Trojanová, Thesis: Investigation of processes of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics/ Department of Physics of Materials, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2000 Master in Solid State Physics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics/ Department of Physics of Materials, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Since 2014 Associate Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics/ Department of Physics of Materials, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2007 – 2013 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics/ Department of Physics of Materials, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2005 – 2007 Researcher, Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, Petten, The Netherlands
2004 – 2005 Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (GPM2), Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble, France
2016 – 2017 Visiting Researcher, Kookmin University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2005 – 2007 Researcher, Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, Petten, The Netherlands
2004 – 2005 Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (GPM2), Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble, France
Supervision of students
6 Bachelor, 5 Master and 5 PhD students.
3 defended PhD theses:
2017 – Jan Čapek – currently researcher at Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
2017 – Gergely Farkas – currently researcher at Nuclear Physics Institute, Řež, Czech Republic
2016 – Tomáš Krajňák – currently researcher at Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Courses: Physics of Materials III; New Materials and Technologies; Physical Acoustics; Introduction to the Continuum Mechanics; Theory of Dislocations
Practical courses: Mechanics, Mechanics Lab, Scanning Electron Microscopy Lab
Memberships in examination boards:
PhD examination board – Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Charles University, Prague and Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
BSc examination board – General Physics, Charles University, Prague
- Mechanical properties of magnesium alloys and composites,
- In-situ testing: acoustic emission, neutron- and X-ray diffraction
- Modeling of deformation behavior of metallic materials
Web of Knowledge: Number of records: 89; Citations without self-citations: 774; ACI: 10,55; H-index: 15
Scopus: Number of records: 95; Citations without self-citations: 840; H-index: 16
Google Scholar: Number of records: 100; Citations without self-citations: 1258; H-index: 19
2017 Light Metals Division JOM Best paper award, The Materials, Metals and Minerals Society, USA
2017 Best Lecturer Award, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
2011 Award for Junior Hungarian Researcher Abroad, received from Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Keynote and invited talks
- The 4th International Symposium of Long-Period Stacking Ordered Structure and Mille Feuille Structure, Kumamoto, Japan – invited talk
- 10th European Congress on Residual Stresses - ECRS 10, Leuven, Belgium – plenary lecture
- The 11th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Old Windsor, United Kingdom – invited talk
- 9th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, Krueger National. Park, South Africa – invited lecture
- TMS 2017, 146th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, USA – invited lecture
- 9th International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture, Brno, Czech Republic – invited lecture
- 7th International School of Materials Science - Samara, Russia, keynote lecture
- 18th International Conference on the Strength of Materials, Brno, Czech Republic, Invited lecture
- 1st Russian-Japanese Workshop on Advanced Materials, Togliatti, Russia, Invited lecture
- 11th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Prague, Czech Republic, Invited lecture
- Colloque Plasticité, Metz, France, Plenary lecture
- 12th International Symposium on Physics of Materials, Prague, Invited lecture
Conference organizing
- 10th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, Prague, Czech Republic – chair of organization committee
- 10th International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture, Brno, Czech Republic – member of the international advisory board
- 14th International Symposium on Physics of Materials, Prague – member of organization committee
Realization |
Name and |
Provider |
Role |
Domestic |
1. |
2009-2010 |
Kontakt –Investigation of elementary deformation mechanisms in magnesium alloys with in-situ methods |
Principal Investigator |
2. |
2013-2016 |
TA03010188 – Investigation of advanced lightweight alloys for engineering applications |
Co-investigator |
3. |
2016-2018 |
16-12075S - Optimization of mechanical properties of advanced high-strength magnesium alloys |
Principal Investigator |
4. |
2018-2020 |
18-07140S - Multiscale analysis of twin-microstructure interactions in HCP metals and alloys |
Co-investigator |
International |
5. |
2012 |
Domus Hungarica – Investigation of intermittent plastic deformation using acoustic emission |
Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Principal Investigator |
5. |
2013 |
Domus Hungarica – Investigation of magnesium alloys with advanced diffraction methods |
Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Principal Investigator |
6. |
2015-2016 |
Physical Grounds for Enhancement of mechanical properties in advanced magnesium alloys, 2015-14-588-0005 |
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation |
Co-Investigator |
7. |
2016 |
Domus Hungarica – Optimization of mechanical properties of advanced high-strength magnesium alloys |
Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Principal Investigator |
8. |
2017-2021 |
FRAMED – Fracture Across Scales and Materials, Processes and Disciplines |
European Research Council |
Co-Investigator |
Utility model – Czech Industrial Property Office, Nr. 29113 – Magnesium alloy
Utility model – Czech Industrial Property Office, Nr. 29281 – Magnesium-based alloy for application in transportation industry
Utility model – Czech Industrial Property Office, Nr. 29863 – Device for controlled crystallization and cooling of ingots for aluminum and its alloys
All projects realized in cooperation with Alucast Ltd., Tupesy, Czech Republic
2014 – Member of Editorial Board, Kovové Materiály – Metallic Materials, Slovak Republic
2010 – Member of Managing Committee, The Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies, Czech Republic
2007 – Reviewer for various journals (e.g. Materials Science and Engineering A, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Characterization, …)
2004 - Member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences