Prof. RNDr. Miloš Janeček, CSc.
phone: (+420) 95155 1359
room: F124
address: Ke Karlovu 5, Prague 2, 121 16
Scientific activities/interests
- Transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electron and X-ray diffraction
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of light metals and alloys (Al, Mg, Ti)
- Physical properties of materials prepared by severe plastic deformation and by spark plasma sintering
- phase transformations in metastable Ti alloys
- structure and properties of advanced materials for biomedical applications
- high entropy alloys
International Co-llaboration
Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal, Germany – microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained materials TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany – materials prepared by spark plasma sintering
INP Grenoble, Francie – microstructure of light metals and alloys and steels
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA – phase transitions in metastable Ti alloys
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia – microstructure and physical properties of materials prepared by severe plastic deformation
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea – physical properties of ultra-fine grained materials and high entropy alloys
University of Zilina, Slovak Republic – mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg alloys and composites
Stays abroad
1989-1990, 1994-1995 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Kanada (2 years) – structure and properties of grain boundaries
1993-1994, 1997-1998 LTPCM Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Francie (18 months) – microstructure of Al alloys, in-situ deformation of pearlitic alloys
2002-2004 Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Werkstofftechnik, TU Clausthal,
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany (2.5 years) - physical properties of ultra-fine grained materials
2009-2015 Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA (3 months) – Ti alloys for biomedical applications
2012-2015 Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia (3 months) – structure and properties of materials prepared by severe plastic deformation
2013-2015 Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea (2 months) – ultra-fine grained materials and composites, high entropy alloys
Selected publications
J. Čížek, M. Janeček, T. Vlasák, B. Smola, O. Melikhova, R.K. Islamgaliev, S.V Dobatkin: The development of vacancies during severe plastic deformation, Mater. Trans., 60 (2019), 1533-1542
J. Kozlík, P. Harcuba, J. Stráský, H.Becker, J. Šmilauerová, M. Janeček: Microstructure and texture formation in commercially pure titanium prepared by cryogenic milling and spark plasma sintering, Mater. Characterization, 151 (2019), 1-5
J. Kopeček, K. Bartha, R. Mušálek, Z. Pala, T. Chráska, P. Beran, V. Ryukhtin, P. Strunz, J. Nováková, J. Stráský, P. Novák, O. Heczko, M. Landa, H. Seiner, M. Janeček: Structural characterization of semiheusler/light metal composites prepared by spark plasma sintering, Sci Reports (2018), 8:11133.
J. Čížek, P. Haušild, M. Cieslar, O. Melikhova, T. Vlasák, M. Janeček, R. Král, P. Harcuba, F. Lukáč, J. Zýka, J. Málek, J. Moon, H.S. Kim: Strength enhancement of high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr by severe plastic deformation, Jour Alloys Compounds 768 (2018), 924-937
M. Janeček, P. Minárik, T. Krajňák, K. Václavová, J. Stráský, J. Čížek, M. Vlček, J. Veselý, J.G. Kim, H.S. Kim, Adv. Mater. Letters 8 (2017), 897-904
Complete list of publications (Scopus)
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