Prof. RNDr. Pavel Lukáč, DrSc.
phone: (+420) 95155 1366 |
Professional career
- 1958 - University diploma in Physics of Condensed Matter, Charles University, Prague
- 1966 - Candidatus scientiarum (PhD), Experimental Physics, Charles University, Prague
- 1973 - Associate Professor in Physics, Charles University, Prague
- 1981 - Professor in Physics, Charles University, Prague
- 1983 - Doctor scientiarum (DrSc), Charles University, Prague
- 1998 - Doctor honoris causa (Dr. h. c.), University of Zilina, Zilina
Scientific activities
Current scientific interests
- complex study of mechanical and physical properties of metallic materials
- substitution hardening of hexagonal metals in the wide temperature range from 1.5 K to 400 K
- thermally activated processes
- microstructure and physical properties of magnesium alloys and composites - temperature dependence of yield stress; hardening and softening during deformation; thermal conductivity and the coefficient of thermal expansion; internal dumping; temperature stability
- plastic instabilities - twinning, Portevin/Le Chatellier effect
- submicrocrystalline and nanocrystalline materials - alloys and composites
Membership in scientific societies
- European Academy of Sciences
- Member of the Executive of the Federation of European Material Societies
- Metals Science Society (MSS) of the Czech Republic / Deputy Chairman of the Principal Committee
- Czech Society of New Materials and New Technologies - Member fo the Executive Committee
- Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists (JČMF)
- Physical Scientific Section (FVS) of JČMF
Organisation of conferences and other activities
- Chairman of the Conferences ISPMA 1 to 8 (International Symposium on Plasticity of Metals and Alloys)
- Member of International Committees of 18 international conferences in 2000 to 2004
- Member of the International Conference on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture, June 23-25, 2004, Brno
- Honorary Chairman of the conference ISPMA 10 (International Symposium on Physics of Materials), Praha 2005
- Chairperson of the international conference EUROMAT, Prague 2005
- Expert for University and Scientific Research of the Italian Ministry of Education
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Physics of Materials of the Academy of Sciences of the CR
Membership in editorial boards
- Metallic Materials (since 1994)
- Materials Science Forum (since 1996)
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae (since 1990)
- Material engineering (since 1998)
- Europhysics Letters (1986-1993)
- State prize for scientific work (1983)
- The prize of the Minister of Education and the Gold medal for the best university textbook (1994)
- The Medal of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education for the best university textbook (1994)
- Gold medal of Masaryk= s University (1985)
- Honorary Medal of Charles University (1978)
- Silver Medal of Charles University (1985)
- Gold Medal of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Comenius University (1985)
- Gold honorary medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences (1987)
- Scientific Award of Alexander von Humbold (1995)
International co-operation and projects
- Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Werkstofftechnik, Technische Universität Clausthal (Clausthal, Germany): Prof. Dr. W. Riehemann
- GKSS Forschungszentrum GmbH, (Geesthacht, Germany): Prof. Dr. K.U. Kainer
- Department of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA): Prof. Dr. T.G. Langdon