Access to e-resources
Charles University's Discovery Service from A to Z (UKAŽ)
The Discovery service allows you to search the diverse resources available at CUNI from one place.
It searches:
- subscription e-resources at CU (full-text and bibliographic databases, e-books, e-journals),
- searches for printed books, articles, journals, university papers, conference materials, etc. needed for study or research,
- after logging in to the user account, it is possible to find out if a printed document is available for borrowing in the library, it is possible to renew loans, to place a request (reservation).
Portal of electronic resources (PEZ)
The portal provides comprehensive information on all e-resources available at Charles University and the MFF UK.
You can find here:
- bibliographic databases,
- full-text databases of e-journals,
- full-text databases of e-books,
- other useful tools.
You can access the e-resources:
- directly (from the IP addresses of the faculty or CU),
- remotely (outside the IP addresses of the faculty, e.g. from home, from the cottage, from the mountains or even from the sea; for remote access you need to log in using CAS).
In case of problems, please contact Mgr. Kateřina Vrtálková