Repositories are used to store and make available digital and digitised documents owned by Charles University. They contain, for example, electronic forms of final theses or digitized collections of old prints. Access to the content of the repositories is done in accordance with copyright and other relevant laws.
CUNI Digital Repository
In it you will find:
- electronic theses defended from 2006 to the present and digitised theses defended before 2006
- habilitation theses defended after 1 March 2017
- books and articles from open access journals published by the Faculty of Philosophy Publishing House, Karolinum Publishing House and the Faculty of Law of Charles University
- digitised study materials for students with special needs
Digital University Repository
In it you will find:
- collections of digitized and digital documents of individual faculties and units of Charles University.
Kramerius Digital Library
It contains:
- digitized scarce study literature
- digitized old and rare prints digitized within the projects of the faculties and units of Charles University
- digitized maps from the Map Collection of the Faculty of Science of Charles University.
In case of problems, please contact Mgr. Kateřina Vrtálková