
The Secret Life of Single-Atom Catalysts
May 23, 2022

The cover of the May issue of ACS Catalysis is highlighting research by scientists from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, and from National Research Council – Istituto Officina dei Materiali in Trieste, Italy, on the dynamics of precious metal nanoparticles in so-called single-atom catalysts.

Faculty HPC cluster opens for users
May 16, 2022

On May 31 the faculty computing cluster Chimera will officially open for access to all members of the faculty. This will be followed on June 3 by a faculty-wide introductory training.

Smallest earthquakes ever detected in micronscale metals
April 14, 2022

On the micrometer scale deformation properties of metals change profoundly: the smooth and continuous behaviour of bulk materials is often replaced by jerky flow due to random strain bursts of various sizes. The reason for this behaviour is the complex intermittent redistribution of lattice dislocations (that are line-like ctystal defects responsible for the irreversible deformation of crystalline materials) upon external loading that is also the cause of the formation of the uneven step-like surface upon deformation.

Matfyz Gains Two ERC Grants
March 30, 2022

Physicists Tim Verhagen and Martin Kozák have received ERC Starting Grant supporting their individual research. Tim Verhagen, originally from the Netherlands, is examining layered materials, i.e., as he claims with exaggeration, some kind of 2D sandwiches. Martin Kozák is researching new possibilities of electron microscopy allowing the scanning of electrons’ movement in substances possessing high spatial and temporal resolution.

Scientists from Matfyz Developed an Automatic Translator Between Czech and Ukrainian
March 17, 2022

Researchers from the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics have developed in record time a publicly available automatic translator between Czech and Ukrainian. The aim of the project is to help refugees from Ukraine overcome the language barrier and facilitate their communication in the Czech environment.

Support for Ukraine
March 2, 2022
ERC Grant for Matfyz
January 10, 2022

Ondřej Dušek from the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics received a prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for his research on natural language generation. The aim of his project is to create a universal generator of a natural language that will learn from only a few examples and will not make mistakes. At some time in the future, the output of his work could be the voice assistant Alexa in Czech language.

Machines Learning Physics
December 7, 2021

Nowadays, artificial intelligence can detect fraud, predict Alzheimer's disease, or even beat a person at poker. Could it one day also discover the laws of physics? Martin Žonda and Pavel Baláž are trying to answer this question by exploring the potential of using AI in physics. Under their leadership, a new scientific group focused on machine learning is currently emerging at Matfyz.

Open Day: What Did You Want to Know the Most?
November 29, 2021

Matfyz brings you the summary of Q&A part of the online Open Day programme, which is related to the information about application, learning intensity, or study programmes in general. We wish we could answer as many questions as possible to make your decision process easier. Here we go!

Charles University to Expand Graphics & Lighting Innovations through oneAPI
October 27, 2021

Computer Graphics Group will innovate sky model lighting, & 3D & AI capabilities using Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit, & extend its visualization technologies to be cross-architecture-ready through oneAPI.

Matfyz leads a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie training network
October 1, 2021

A Matfyz-coordinated research project in the prestigious Marie-Skłodowska Curie programme of the EU is celebrating its 1st anniversary. The PRIME (Predictive Rendering in Industrial Manufacturing) project, which started in October 2020, brings together a multi-national consortium to work on image synthesis which is so accurate that it can be used for reliable prediction of object appearance. Alexander Wilkie, the head of the Computer Graphics Group at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, managed to secure funding for this project in a very competitive call, where only 8,9 % of proposals were funded. PRIME was also the only newly awarded ITN last year which is led by a Czech institution.

More precisely defined Kondo's temperature
August 5, 2021

A team of physicists from the theoretical section of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics of Matfyz, in collaboration with experimenters from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the University of Aachen, has uncovered an ambiguity of the Kondo temperature determination, a key parameter for describing electron transport via organic molecules adsorbed on conductive surfaces. Their study was published in July by The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.

Maxwell's Demon Helps With Active Particle Research
July 9, 2021

Physicists from the University of Leipzig and Charles University have brought new information about the behaviour of artificial active particles. Using a special experimental method, they were the first to obtain reliable data on reorientation and particle density in active-passive landscapes.

Dr. Sebastian Schwarzacher wins ERC CZ grant
June 3, 2021

In May, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports published the results of the sixth ERC CZ Grant Call. Among the six successful projects to receive support from the Ministry, belongs a research made by Dr. Sebastian Schwarzacher of CUNI MFF’s Department of Mathematical Analysis.

AI accelerated appearance prediction for color 3D printing
May 28, 2021

The Computer Graphics Group (CGG) from Matfyz published an article with a new method for improving full-color 3D printing technology. The new technique results in 3D printer output which achieves a far more accurate match between user input and final object appearance than current commercial software. The method leverages machine learning techniques to improve the runtime and practicality of a previously published algorithm by the same authors.

MGML part of European Magnetic Laboratory Network
May 14, 2021

Large research infrastructure MGML (Materials Growth & Measurement Laboratory), which operates at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and whose partner institution is Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Science, has become part of the prestigious network of European laboratories focused on research of materials in magnetic fields, led by EMFL – European Magnetic Field Laboratory.


Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance