Department of Macromolecular Physics was established as the Department of Polymers in 1974. At present, our department is conducting research in the fields of physics of nanomaterials, physics of polymers and macromolecular solids and theoretical physics.


Nb NPs
14. January 2022

Based on the results of our student's bachelor's thesis, we have prepared an article on the possibility of preparing V and V2O5 columnar nanoparticle films, which was published in the journal Surface & Coatings Technology.

The details are here.

Nb NPs
7. January 2022

In cooperation with the Department of Condensed Matter Physics we have prepared a publication pursuing to unveil the peculiarities of thermally-driven morphogenesis of niobium nanoparticles by a combination of cutting-edge X-ray diagnostic techniques. The paper is available online in Materials Chemistry and Physics journal.

antibacterial surface engeneering
6. January 2022

Prof. Andrei Choukourov and his colleagues from Belgium and Italy have authored a Featured Article on plasma technology in antibacterial surface engineering published in the Journal of Applied Physics.

The details can be found here.

Nové projekty GAČR
1. January 2022

We have received two new grant projects funded by the Czech Science Foundation with the solution period 2022-24:

  • Synthesis of metal oxide-based nanomaterials for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy by plasma-based gas aggregation sources (doc. Ondřej Kylián)
  • Capabilities of thin films on the border of classical and plasma polymers (Dr. Jaroslav Kousal)
15. November 2021

We are deeply saddened to announce that the founder of our department and its long-term head Associate Professor Ivo Chudáček, died suddenly on 10/11/2021 at the age of 89.

Honor his memory!!!

molekulární motor
5. November 2021

Our collaboration with the NIMS Institute in Tsukuba, Japan, resulted in an accepted article Molecular Rotor based on an Oxidized Resorcinarene dealing with molecular motors.

PSE Satellite 2022
3. November 2021

In cooperation with JČU, we managed to prepare an LSPR sensor based on silver nanoparticles. The obtained results are summarized in the article Ag nanoparticles immobilized on C:H:N:O plasma polymer film by elevated temperature for LSPR sensing, which was accepted for publication.

PSE Satellite 2022
22. October 2021

On February 10 and 11, 2022, we are organizing an international workshop Plasma-Assisted Nanomaterials Engineering on the Troja campus.

PPP article
19. October 2021

Our joint publication with CAU Kiel Impact of argon flow and pressure on the trapping behavior of nanoparticles inside a gas aggregation source was just accepted for publication in Plasma Processes & Polymers.

Bc. students
23. September 2021

During this summer, 5 of our bachelor students successfully defended their works.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of them!!!!

Strawberry-like nanoparticles
29. August 2021

An article showing the possibility of using core-satellite NPs for sensitive biodetection has been published in the journal Materials Letters.

Studentské Fakultní Granty
12. July 2021

An article Polarize Microswimmers without Alignment Forces was published in the journal Physical Review Letters, where it was included in the prestigious section "Editors' Suggestion".