Department of Macromolecular Physics was established as the Department of Polymers in 1974. At present, our department is conducting research in the fields of physics of nanomaterials, physics of polymers and macromolecular solids and theoretical physics.

Our article dealing with the issue of the influence of various stimuli on the behavior of hydrogels with a single- and double-network structure composed of poly(N,N′-diethylacrylamide) and polyacrylamide has just been published.

The flow profile of the carrier gas is one of the most critical parameters that strongly influences the loss of nanoparticles on the walls of the gas aggregation sources. This issue is studied in the just-published article using numerical simulations.

Our colleagues A. Ryabov and V. Holubec from our theoretical department has recently published a series of articles in prestigious professional journals.

Doc. Ondřej Kylián participated in the Internation Online Conference of Nano Materials (ICN 2022), where he delivered an invited plenary talk on the synthesis of transition metal nanoparticles.

Congratulations to our students, David Voráč and Juraj Májek, who successfully defended their diploma theses.
We wish you both much success!

Doc. Jan Hanuš participated in a research study devoted to the fabrication of novel antibacterial coatings. The results of this study, which was conducted in a close collaboration with JČU, were published in Surfaces and Interfaces.
The article can be found here.

Based on the results of the bachelor's thesis of our student Kateřina Škorvánková, we managed to prepare an article on measuring the velocities of nanoparticles flying out of a nanoparticle source under different conditions inside and outside the source. The article was published in the journal Vacuum.
Details can be found here.

The topics of student faculty grants announced by our department were published. Topics can be found here.

Together with our colleagues from the Japanese National Institute for Materials Science and Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, we have investigated "smart" molecules of modified porphyrin, which can change their properties due to pH and temperature.
The results of this study were published in a prestigious journal Macromolecules.

Congratulations to our students for receiving funding for their research projects from the Charles University Grant Agency! Greetings come to:
- M. Protsak: Sputter-driven synthesis of transition metal oxynitride nanoparticles with tunable optoelectronic properties
- K.Biliak: Sputter-based synthesis of optically active and electrically conductive nanofluids
- Z. Krtouš: Metamaterials based on plasma polymers for optics of the future

Controlled synthesis of core@shell nanoparticles is a difficult challenge in many nanotechnology projects. In our recent study, published in the journal J.Phys. D: Appl. Phys., we have developed and tested an original and reliable method to produce such nanoparticles using a gas aggregation source.

On February 10 and 11, 2022, we organized an online international workshop Plasma-Assisted Nanomaterials Engineering.
4 invited lectures
16 oral contributions
51 participants