Department of Macromolecular Physics was established as the Department of Polymers in 1974. At present, our department is conducting research in the fields of physics of nanomaterials, physics of polymers and macromolecular solids and theoretical physics.

With deep sorrow, we announce that on 23.6.2021 died our longtime colleague Associate Professor Danka Slavinská.
Honor her memory !!

Prof. A. Choukourov became a member of the International Advisory Board of the journal Plasma Processes & Polymers.

On November 8 and 9, 2021, we are, together with IPP AV ČR, organizing the 8th Plasma Science & Entrepreneurship Workshop.

A joint article with TBU on the preparation of thin films of plasma polymers with tunable solubility was accepted for publication. This type of material could, for example, be used for the controlled administration of drugs.

After a long time, the graduation ceremony of our former PhDs could take place. Congratulations to:
- mgr. P. Pleskunov, Ph.D.
- mgr. D. Nikitin, Ph.D.
- RNDr. J. Kratochvíl, Ph.D.

In close co-operation with IPP AV ČR we have just published an article about plasma agriculture. In this article, we studied the effect of atmospheric plasma on pepper and watermelon seeds.

We are deeply saddened to announce that our long-time collaborator, colleague and friend Dr. Milan Neubert, who has been active at KMF for a long time, died on 20/4/2021.
Honor his memory !!

The dream of building intelligent microscopic machines is again a little closer to reality. In cooperation with the University of Leipzig, we participated in the development of a new system that combines machine learning technology with precise control of microscopic particles. The results of this research have just been published by the prestigious journal Science Robotics.